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Bear lake bonus
So I had some repairs and winterizing to do today on our fireboat in the bear lake marina and rather than waste the gas and time in the docks I decided to take it just outside the marina and drown a worm or two for whitefish while I did my "work".
I only had a couple pecks and no whitefish (my son managed a 20" native cutt), so I put a small 2 1/2" rapala on and decided to aim the boat out into the big blue and troll it while we worked on the pump.
After we had gone a few hundred yards, and myself totally engrossed in trying to get my $&#^#^ pump engine to stay running, my son hollered that I had a snag and grabbed the rod. I took it from him and started trying to get it free and turned the boat around to go back and un-snag it. When I got near the spot that I thought it was snagged the pole came to life with a good fighting fish! After a battle of about 10 more minutes, and not having a net, I managed to grab my prize by the bottom jaw (I did put a ski glove on to spare my hand the toothy pain!).
It turned out to be a 32" male laker just spewing milt everywhere. I thought that they were all spawned out, but I suppose that these males are like our teenagers and can recharge there "stuff" just as quick[Wink]
I landed it on 4 pound test and am surprised that it didn't cut the line with its teeth. It was released to pester me again in the future!
Man, work is hard![laugh]
Looks like a great day on the big blue. Thanks for the detailed report and pic.
Hey Mike nice Mac. Maybe that one was just slow at getting things done. Hey we almost made it to Bear Lake today. Stopped at the sinks for some sledding instead. Fun day! Later J
What are the canyon roads like going up to Bear lake?
Roads are very good up Logan Canyon. We weren't sure there would be enough snow to play until we got clear to the top. So other than water that melted on the roads and may freeze tonight the roads are summer quality. It was in the fifties up there today so it felt pretty spring like. So have fun. Later J
Sleigh riding or snowmobiling? This weekend through the next weekend will be the prime time for the whitefish spawn (I was given that tip by a local expert...hehe). You should give it a shot if you have the chance this week. Small curly tail tipped with a piece of worm and work it on the bottom. Some of the best eating fish around!
Congratulations on catching that nice mack. I have yet to catch a fish trolling at Bear Lake. Was the ramp ice and snow free?
Thanks. It was totally nice. No ice, no snow and calm.The ramp was dry as a bone from what i saw (i keep the boat slipped). I usually jig fish myself, but occasionally I will drag a lure around. I also forgot to mention that I was only in about 20' of water and it was a floating rapala about 150' behind the boat. Also had another one on for a few moments that got off. I only fished for about 1 1/2 hours total.
Hey Mike, we were sleigh riding my ice fish sleds. Had everyone up there jealous and wanting to know where they could get one. I didn't tell them that when the snow gets packed they'll kill themselves if they try riding the same hill.

Hey thank you for the white fish info, I've been wanting to get into them for a couple years. Hopefully the weather and my schedule will line up in the next week or so. Want to get a toon trip in for them this year. I know the marina is really good, but does it get over crowded to fish? Well hope you have a happy Thanksgiving. Later J
Hey Jeff,
A pontoon would be an absolutely perfect craft to use for whitefish! You don't need to go out far at all (20-50' from shore in most cases) and they are quite in shallow water.
There is always plenty of room to fish for whities. If the marina is crowded, a short drive to first point or Cisco beach will give you almost unlimited room and great fishing.
Have a great holiday.
Thanks Mike, boy they are pounding the geese here this morning, more shooting than opening day. Oh well on turkey duty this morning. Later J
Nice snag. Mine are usually a lot browner are more woody in nature.
Great report. Nice looking mac.
Nice Mac! Always a rush on that lighter line...that's awesome his teeth didn't saw through it.

We definitely need to get together for some ice fishing this winter. I just got the sled down and dusted everything off.

Here's to Bear Lake icing over this winter!
I agree, bring on the ice!
I'll hit my knees and thank The Lord if the wind will leave us alone and let the ice get thick enough to fish on. If it happens I will post it and you'll need to head over for the fun!
I will be there as soon as you post it! haha

Do you have any cisco?
Heck ya. I ALWAYS have cisco's! Ya never know when they will be needed in an emergency.[Wink]
Great Mac. I was there Sat/Sun and picked up a 30 plus inch mac from shore on a 1/8 oz. jig. Quite the surprise when you are expecting a whitie!
Wow very nice fish. J
From shore it is a wild ride when you get a Mac on! You must have had your hands full if you were wading. Probably more like body surfing with those rollers coming in. Did you manage a limit on the whities?

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