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Someone told me there is a secret forum on this site that only some members are allowed to read. Those members can read the main forum where we post, but have their own place to post that the rest of us can't read. I hope that this is not the case, does anyone know anything about this?
Link to guidelines on what you need to get access to the new board:
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[url ""]Utah Premium Member Reports[/url]
Private reports board reserved for active Utah board members. Please PM moderator to be added.
[#0000FF]Don't worry. You are not missing too much. Most of the good stuff is still on the main board.
I argued against it since BFT has long been valued for its openness to all and its lack of elitism. But some felt that we needed a place to post our "secret" stuff and keep it away from lurkers.
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By ' some' I assume you mean the moderators and their buddies. I guess that explains the lack of posts from Tye Dye and some of the other mods.
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Like TD, I felt the elitists' forum was a mistake. It will ultimately hurt the board.
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I have zero reason to visit the Utah boards anymore knowing many potentially usefull posts can't be viewed.
So much for the reason to even have a open board/forum.
I use to post and be a little involved on the Utah side. Back to Nevada only or maybe just delete my links to BFT all together. Why share for all when it isn't returned on BFT.
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i thought that this four was for people to help out and share info with other. i hope they all stay on the privet board maybe we can get bass rods over there too and then we will have a great board again where people are willing to share and help out others and not attack or hot spot others. i have waited for our good old board to come back..... 
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I'm surprised at how many people are so butthurt about this. Yeah, I don't see the need for a secret forum (frankly I thought the Members Only Fishing Reports board was for donors or something), but it's not like having one makes BFT useless... especially considering most active members still post their fishing reports in the main board.
If you're so worried about it, and it's not for financial backers of the forum only like I suspected, take 30 seconds and PM a mod for access. Problem solved.
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Kind of takes you back to grade school play grounds, doesn't it?
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We all have our individual strengths and weaknesses.
I identify with my creativity blended with science and the ability to make things that work, understand how things work and figure out patterns that might someday be useful in catching more fish.
In sharp contrast, my people skills are relatively poor. I have difficulty keeping track of what is secret and what is not (is the lure secret, the location, techniques, timing?), what offends some and how to walk the tight wire between offending by telling too much or offending by telling too little and ultimately it seems to be a no win situation I tend to avoid. I haven't read posts to keep track of that stuff. Mainly I read to gain knowledge of fishing. I went fishing with someone and had a great time and learned a lot, but I tend to not post fishing reports not knowing what is to mention and what is private.
But, I do post my own creative ideas. They're mine, so I'm free to choose that they're not secrets. My latest is thinking over some of my old posts on ideas for my future fishing bicycle and my ice fishing sled ideas. My previous latest post was on big artificial eyes on lures based on thinking about perch eyes being used for perch fishing. If someone has perch eyes to catch them, then they also have perch meat. Obviously the eyes must be an attractor or they would just use the meat. My idea was to add the attractors of lure action, vibration and water disturbance detectable by the lateral line of fish, so I glued big artificial eyes onto noisy lures.
Perhaps I'm not as active as the elite because I work a lot and treasure my very few fishing trips in a year. But, I did the math and if I walk the tight wire, I'll be able to also become the elite in only about twenty years.
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Whose family coy pond did you catch that beautiful carp from? And the lure ... it's almost as beautiful as the coy.
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The reasons why people don't like it-
1-PMs are where private conversations should take place on a public forum.
2-Once you have joined the forum you should have access to it as long as you are respectful of others, their opinons, and follow the posting rules.
3-It sould not be assumed that because someone does not post regularly that they would not have somthing of value to add to a conversation in the future.
(A wise man knows much and says little, a foolish man knows little and says much)
4-The "elitist club attitude" has ran many good and knowledgeable people from this forum over the years that were willing to share what they knew. And isn't that the point of this forum?
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[quote Northman]The "elitist club attitude" has ran many good and knowledgeable people from this forum over the years ...[/quote]
Nonsense ... the only reason people leave BFT is for the changing of their personal priorities and interests. Just you watch, they'll be back here in a minute to dispute me. So they weren't really gone ... just lurking.
I'm on one tonight ... so just everybody get the heck out of my way!
--- Coot ---
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I think this is a bad Idea. Awhile back the mods were asking what to do to get people to post and why they might not want to share, after that I started noticing a lot of negative comments about lurkers. This caused me to notice the clickyness that plagues this place. Most people were lurkers once and not everybody had a goal of 20 to 30k posts by the end of the year! Everybody is different! Why does that bother people so much? Ice Shanty handles it different you have to be a member and have 3 posts and you can access fishing reports and conditions. Seems to work. I hope this place doesn't fall apart its a well attended board that is fun to visit. It shouldn't matter how much you flap your fingers!
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There are two ways to gain access to the new private board, one is you need to have posted 50 fishing reports. As an example, if you fish once a week and post a report after every trip, you would have posted 52 fishing reports in a year.
It takes a lot of time to count all the fishing reports that members have posted, so the second way to gain access is to have 5 years as a member on BFT and 2000 or more total post. We figure that any member that has been on BFT for that long and has that many total post, has shared a lot of helpful info with other BFT members.
The whole purpose of this new board is to get our older members posting again and to encourage newer members to post more. A lot of you reading this are lurkers and so those people will never be able to read the post on the new board unless they join and start posting reports. I'm sure some of you have noticed the huge number of views on post that have few replies, we are talking several thousand views, well that alone is a good reason for a private board. If we don't have some rules and guidelines for a private board like this, anyone could have access, so that is why we set the minimum of 50 fishing reports posted for members seeking access.
The new board is not stopping members from posting reports on the Main Utah board or helping members with helpful fishing info but for those spots that can't take the pressure, from so many people the view every thread, it will help a lot.
Hope this helps.
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[fishon][quote Old_Coot]Dude,
Whose family coy pond did you catch that beautiful carp from? And the lure ... it's almost as beautiful as the coy.[/quote];#878245;#816001
... and the lure is a Yo-Zuri. Great action! I lost it, but know exactly where and now that I have that fancy underwater camera on my Marcum LX-9, I'll go there and get it someday.
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Yep this is a bad idea. If a place cant handle the pressure be quiet. Most places can though or the DWR wouldn't be raising limits and asking people to keep more fish. If ever member gave a fishing report on every trip there would be 4 pages of strawberry every Monday morning saying the same thing. If you split up the board into groups of people that were just a like there would be 2000 boards with posts having 10 views and no replies.
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[quote wyoguy]By ' some' I assume you mean the moderators and their buddies. I guess that explains the lack of posts from Tye Dye and some of the other mods.[/quote]
My reasons for reducing the reports I share on BFT was because of the lurking issue.
My twin posted a few pics of brown trout on a beach, no backgrounds. A few replies mention trying night fishing for browns with red headlamps. A few more replies later and its mentioned that the weber is the place to try that. The next day at a department store a guy asks for help to find red headlamps, and my twin asks, "by chance did you read BFT?" Why yes he did. He claimed he was headed there that night to try, so did my twin.
So how many other department stores did other people buy red headlamps, and head out to the weber that night, that week, that month? It's mind boggling how many probably did!! Sure enough that guy got a 24 inch brown that night, my twin got skunked.
I also have people shake my hands in the fish shops and they claim they "follow my every step" after each report I post. The "cult like following" is ok for places that are large and can handle it.... but do I need or want to add to it?? And not every place I visit can handle the pressure BFT will create.
These are just a few of many examples that I have to illustrate my point.
Private boards exist on almost every fishing website in Utah and I feel that BFT deserved one years ago. The majority of the time I will post on the main boards but there are a few times that it will be and has been more appropriate to share it on a private board.
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You are saying the lurker issue is a big problem for you and some ' older' members, but the rest of the members info isn't important enough to worry about?
If the lurker problem is that bad, then that's the issue that should be addressed. Other forums are a members only, that would be better than dividing this board. What's worse, lurkers or our mods and 'older' members who lurk on the general board and post on their own board?
It seems to me that you are saying you serfs go ahead and put your fishing reports and info out there, we will comment on it, learn from it and thank you for it but our stuff is just to important for us to share with you.
As far as sensitive or small places that can't take pressure, why would you post about them anyway. It has always been custom not to, and you know that.
It also bothers me that you have chosen to hide this thread where it will not get much attention, because the attention seems to be negative, I thought an open narrative on this could be productive. I know you will say it was put here because it isn't about fishing but.....
As they say...just my 2 cents worth
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Seriously, I thought the whole premise behind these type of forums was to promote the love of fishing and to help those new to the sport. We all at one point in our angling careers had to learn from someone. So now that your knowledge and skill level is better than another individual does that mean you are superior to him/her? I don't think so because you where them at some point.
I never understood why people so jealous guard what body of water they fish or what bait they used. I figured that I have learned so much from forums like this that it is only fair for me to share what little knowledge and insight I have garnered over the years. Just my thoughts on this subject and I mean no offense to anyone.
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[quote toadie_79]Seriously, I thought the whole premise behind these type of forums was to promote the love of fishing and to help those new to the sport. We all at one point in our angling careers had to learn from someone. So now that your knowledge and skill level is better than another individual does that mean you are superior to him/her? I don't think so because you where them at some point.
I never understood why people so jealous guard what body of water they fish or what bait they used. I figured that I have learned so much from forums like this that it is only fair for me to share what little knowledge and insight I have garnered over the years. Just my thoughts on this subject and I mean no offense to anyone.[/quote]
My skill level is no better than anyone else's but my fishing holes might be ] Just kidding I could not resist.
And I think you will continue to see that I will be providing reports for the main forum as well, just not everytime.
I was once oblivious to the idea that my reports could effect the places that I hold dear to my heart. Learned the hard way that not everything can be shared to world without paying the consequences for it later.