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Why do you think that would change because Utah now has a private forum. Members on the new board have not stopped posting on the main forum because just because they are on the private board. And helping other members will not stop either. There are a few members that have just quit posting and this board is trying to get some them back and it was something that members requested. We even had a poll about this a few months back. Where were all of you then, when it was discussed. Just because the members that requested this new board haven't spoken up in any big numbers, it does not mean this is not what members want. As I stated then, we are trying to get members to post their fishing reports and we are just doing what members ask.
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[quote Northman]The reasons why people don't like it-
1-PMs are where private conversations should take place on a public forum.
2-Once you have joined the forum you should have access to it as long as you are respectful of others, their opinons, and follow the posting rules.
3-It sould not be assumed that because someone does not post regularly that they would not have somthing of value to add to a conversation in the future.
(A wise man knows much and says little, a foolish man knows little and says much)
4-The "elitist club attitude" has ran many good and knowledgeable people from this forum over the years that were willing to share what they knew. And isn't that the point of this forum?[/quote]
I'm not entirely sure that someone who never posts fishing reports is the best person to decide what is best for BFT. I am not fighting to keep or get rid of the other forum, but someone that doesn't post fishing reports and has been around for years has little skin in this game.
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[quote wyoguy]You are saying the lurker issue is a big problem for you and some ' older' members, but the rest of the members info isn't important enough to worry about?
If the lurker problem is that bad, then that's the issue that should be addressed. Other forums are a members only, that would be better than dividing this board. What's worse, lurkers or our mods and 'older' members who lurk on the general board and post on their own board?
It seems to me that you are saying you serfs go ahead and put your fishing reports and info out there, we will comment on it, learn from it and thank you for it but our stuff is just to important for us to share with you.
As far as sensitive or small places that can't take pressure, why would you post about them anyway. It has always been custom not to, and you know that.
It also bothers me that you have chosen to hide this thread where it will not get much attention, because the attention seems to be negative, I thought an open narrative on this could be productive. I know you will say it was put here because it isn't about fishing but.....
As they say...just my 2 cents worth[/quote]
I should have stated that earlier my comments were my own personal view on why I support the new board. In no way am I speaking for every reason that it should exist.
The main Utah Board is just as active as it was in the past before the new premium board came along. As Tube Dude said "you are not missing much" and he is right. It is just a place to hide it from the masses, not from everyone, or I would not post it at all. It gives people a chance to share info without everyone and thier dog knowing about it.
Yes your info and reports is valued. I suggest that you redact whatever you feel is too sensitve for the main ut board until you are able to gain access to the premium board. Post your fishing reports and you'll get there.
Now I didn't move your post, a different mod did. There is no conspiracy to sweep this under the rug. Positive or negative this thread isn't a fishing releated question or report. There was a marker left on the main utah board that directs you to this thread it just won't be at the top of the main ut board everytime someone comments on it. In fact that marker on the main ut board is how I found this discussion.
I am willing to listen to your 2 cents anytime wyoguy. I appreaciate how respectful you have chosen to be.
Thanks, TDT
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May not have seen many fishing reports from me lately on the mainboard.
And that's purely because the 60inch musky, the bucketful of 16 inch perch, and the stack of 6 pound bass have been reserved for the elite only. GPS marks and all.
Ok, ok, as usual I'm full of shit. I've not been fishing in far far too many weeks. Life goes on, work is busy, home's a mess, fall hammers into winter.. and all that.
But honestly - I'm amongst those a bit frustrated by putting the time into photos, story, and posts to have over two thousand views, and a mere three replies. Sorry - that don't stroke my ego enough to be worth the bother ongoing.
The "like" option might help, but except for Jeff and his "atta boys" I don't share TD's plethora of "I (gush) love your reports" replies. Mostly I look back at my reports as a personal fish-mentary of my own mis-adventures. But sometimes it's nice to get a bit of gratis for putting in the time, off the water.
Plus - like the red-light district, how many take from, and give nothing back in return? I try to give and take (and turn a cheek) whenever possible. Have met some great anglers, and fine folks via the forum, and I'll never regret that. I can certainly attribute my astounding angling skillz at least in small part to BFT learnings. (ok, now I sound like FFL! haha)
But really - I've been to waters, been on ice, been after fish I would have never though of when I moved here a quarter century ago, and much thanks to those of you who have shared, encouraged, met, and marked some great times, great fish.
Can only hope for more. But when I DO land that 60 inch Musky, don't expect to read it here first. (It'll be the KSL outdoors pic of the week, cuz I'll find some three year old to hold it up!)
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i dont ever remember members asking to be excluded? do you? so i say make a lurker form that only us "lurkers" can get on and not your elite. then we will see who posts more reports i am willing to bet the so called lurkers do. most of the people that have 2000 post got there by just posting to others reports "nice report" or just "thanks"
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If you are wondering why I haven't posted any reports is due to the fact I have only been fishing a few times this year totaling about 5 or 6. So that is why. Also I have noticed an upswing in new memberships and posting since the board was formed so it really hasn't hurt anything.
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Ha ha ha sounds good to me [laugh].
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Don't forget some of those 2000 + actually do post quite a bit of reports.
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Yep move the thread and hide it that’s what they did but its okay for some threads to stay...hmmmmm...and to think I was called an elitist by these very same folks now preaching how they had their technique, lure or body of water called out...boohoo...pot calling the kettle black don't ya think; do as I say not as I do...guess they don't recall back in the day when some of us did make posts and didn't provide details and these SAME people called us elitist for not sharing...but now these same folks had the shoe put on their foot and now they have their own little secret garden so they can post their secret reports well have a super secret special good time...TRUST ME nothing on the internet is ever secret...
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There is nothing secret about the new forum, it has been there for everyone to see, you just can not read the threads. I don't get it, you were a mod at on time on another forum, you know what mods go through trying to make members happy and yet you above everyone else are giving us a hard time[:|]. This is simple, members requested a private board, we now have one, you can be a member if you follow the rules and guidelines for gaining access, why is this so hard for a lot of you, I just don't get it, this is not that hard to understand. There are no elitist on the new board just those same members you all know that can now post on both boards. If you want access and you have meet the requirement I posted above then send me a PM. If you don't meet the requirement and think we should have less, to gain access send me a PM and we can talk about it. Again, this new board was created because members requested it and we can and will make changes if the majority of members want it that way. Trust me Kim, if I wanted to hide this thread I could have and if you want me to go into detail on how and why we move threads on the main Utah board I will but I'm guessing you don't really care why we do what we do as long as the forum runs without any problems. If this is really a concern to you and Gary please send me a PM, I will be glad to talk to any of you on this issue.
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I have been a member of this board since 2010. I dont post much, mostly because I don't get to fish much with my other responsibilities, but I feel I have helped quite a few people by pm, phone calls, and even meeting up to demonstrate technique and lend a helping hand. I frequent this board to  at the the funny comments, drool at the pictures of big fish, and share in the adventures posted here. I like to lend a helping hand when I can.
I remember your first post and first year or so that you were a member. You were ridiculed, mocked, and probably despised by some....Why? Because you shared what you were doing, catching and eating fish and loving it, and you were very vocal about your right to share. Young man I find it admirable that you came on here, what 3 years ago?, and have gone from being, dare I say, dispised by many to being a moderator. Now that you are a moderator you have been able to change this forum to what your stated objective was from your very first post(I have attached it in case you forgot)
[#ff00ff]"I have been lurking for a while and my only hesitation to joining is that there is no "confidential type of section" but considering the amount of expertise on this site I can no longer deny what a great resource this site is"[/#ff00ff]
[#000000]Like I said earlier, admirable. You now have your "confidential section". As an employer I value people that set a goal and accomplish it. As an employer I also know that perspectives change, yours obviosly has. You were admittadly "lurking for a while" viewing others posts, gleaning knowledge from the "great resource this site is". Now you don't need to glean knowledge so you no longer need to view the posts from the masses. You also no longer think the masses are worthy of your posts. This is unfortunate for those that, like you were, are lurking and gaining knowledge from the posts of those that have come before.[/#000000]
[#000000] Like I said admirable. It reminds me of those that have built homes in exclusive neighborhoods, or in country estates then lobby to limit buiding permits because, after all they have theirs now and don't want it to get crowded.[/#000000]
I have enjoyed this site, and have enjoyed being a member here, I hope that I have been able to help someone enjoy this sport I love, but my perspective has now changed. Please remove my account. I would do it myself but honesly cant figure out how.
By the way, this statement doesn't seem to be true
[#ff0080]" There was a marker left on the main utah board that directs you to this thread it just won't be at the top of the main ut board everytime someone comments on it. In fact that marker on the main ut board is how I found this discussion."[/#ff0080]
[#ff0080][#000000]I looked through the fist 6 pages on the main forum and could not find a tag directing me there. But maybe I missed it.[/#000000]
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I agree, I just asked to be "accepted" into the private forum. I go in cycles as to how much I post. I work a nuclear amount of hours unfortunately and am limited mainly by that.
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[font "Calibri"]Hi Curt I have no desire to see the secret garden of knowledge. We’re students and will do our own research thinking we’ve done pretty damn good on our own. [/font]
[font "Calibri"]All’s I’m saying is that I find it really funny now that when some of us in the past posted our reports and didn’t provide nitty gritty details we were called out by the SAME FOLKS now on the secret garden as elitist LOL.[/font]
[font "Calibri"]Now these SAME FOLKS for some unknown reason find their information and knowledge a valuable highly prized commodity and only worthy to them and the secret garden society of elitists. [/font]
[font "Calibri"]Curt that’s an elitist no matter how much you say the secret garden isn’t elitist…it’s a membership only for those meeting the qualifications. So no matter how much you try to convenience yourself it isn’t an elitist section of the Utah BFT forum it is elitist so remove the rose colored glasses. [/font]
[font "Calibri"]I just find it ironic and laughable how when we didn’t give certain individuals the information they desired, take them out in our boat (when they asked to fish with us), provide them the location fished, lures we used we were called elitist…and I’m a damn proud elitist I must say. Can I be grandfathered into the secret society without a PM then... [cool][/font]
[font "Calibri"]Will BFT learn a lesson on this secret garden society just like the other forum learned only time will tell…again nothing is secret on the internet…again, nothing is secret on the internet… no matter the rules, guidelines, blood oath taken you can count on that. A Secret only stays a secret if kept to oneself. [  ][  ][/font]
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"Like I said earlier, admirable. You now have your "confidential section". As an employer I value people that set a goal and accomplish it. As an employer I also know that perspectives change, yours obviosly has. You were admittadly "lurking for a while" viewing others posts, gleaning knowledge from the "great resource this site is". Now you don't need to glean knowledge so you no longer need to view the posts from the masses. You also no longer think the masses are worthy of your posts. This is unfortunate for those that, like you were, are lurking and gaining knowledge from the posts of those that have come before."
Oh man, I was gonna say earlier that if you look back to when I joined, I used to be the guy screaming my head off that every report should be full of the nit grit details, and that anyone who doesn't do so has no bussiness posting reports.........boy was I wrong!! Everyone has there own agenda when it comes to posting reports and I completly respect that now.
The bolded material is what I really want to address. I do view the posts our members make on BFT every day on almost every Utah forum....hence the job of mod right?
I think you are taking things too personally. I never said people are no longer worthy. I stated that sometimes I needed a place to post up where the masses won't see. That isn't because of the worthy-ness of the public, its the simple understanding of what happens when a person decides to post up about somewhere, and then watches as the place goes to hell for doing so. Once bitten, twice as shy man.
Without the premium the report would never be posted, and no one would be able to enjoy it at all.
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The only reason to post is to brag and why brag to few when you could brag to many. Id just a soon show ya. Love all you guys. Merry Christmas.
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I couldn't agree more with what you said. I've been on the forum since 2008. I happen to work an incredible amount of hours. Especially when the economy is as bad as it is now. I do help more with texts, emails, or phone calls to other members and have helped a lot of people catch a lot of fish. This is an elitist attitude which has me throwing the BS flag!
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If this is really a concern to you and Gary please send me a PM, I will be glad to talk to any of you on this issue.
Why send a PM, I have tried to explain my concerns here in this thread. I probably have enough posts to qualify for the elitist forum, but I don't want in. I think it's wrong to divide the forum. If indeed lurkers are the problem, deal with the problem, don't treat the members as if they are lurkers and part of the problem. I hardly ever punished my kids for things the neighbors kids did. It would be simple to make this a members only forum with X number of posts a year to maintain your membership, quality posts not "good job" or "way to go" I could have 2000 posts by the end of the year if numbers were the only thing that matters, rather than constructive, helpful and pertinent posts.
There's your PM
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[quote submoa]I couldn't agree more with what you said. I've been on the forum since 2008. I happen to work an incredible amount of hours. Especially when the economy is as bad as it is now. I do help more with texts, emails, or phone calls to other members and have helped a lot of people catch a lot of fish. This is an elitist attitude which has me throwing the BS flag![/quote]
I hear you,I have had my say to one of the moderators on a PM, and he cared so much for my opinion he never replied back. A moderator commented on not getting it, but I got it. I see where we have been invited to discuss this in a PM, that didn't work out so well for me. I too throw the BS flag on this one.
Time will tell how this elitist group will effect the overall forum. The internet is full of "good old boy clubs" this one has just joined them.
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[quote wyoguy]If this is really a concern to you and Gary please send me a PM, I will be glad to talk to any of you on this issue.
Why send a PM, I have tried to explain my concerns here in this thread. I probably have enough posts to qualify for the elitist forum, but I don't want in. I think it's wrong to divide the forum. If indeed lurkers are the problem, deal with the problem, don't treat the members as if they are lurkers and part of the problem. I hardly ever punished my kids for things the neighbors kids did. It would be simple to make this a members only forum with X number of posts a year to maintain your membership, quality posts not "good job" or "way to go" I could have 2000 posts by the end of the year if numbers were the only thing that matters, rather than constructive, helpful and pertinent posts.
There's your PM[/quote]
Been there done that ( PM's ) Had pretty much the same things to say in the PM, no reply as said on previous post. Good members are getting excluded because of a number requirement. I don't have enough posts to qualify, and after some thought, and the attitude I received ,I have no desire to belong. After this I never will reach the requirement .There will be some that will just post to get in, no thanks
I was told in a PM that all I had to do was post that I went fishing, even if I was skunked, now what value is that. This whole thing is BS
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I am a big proponent of the restricted board -- because of lurkers not contributors.
I am very much in favor of lowering the "admissions" standard to the board to include any who proactively contribute to the fishing experience.
I will not post any more of my fishing location reports on the open board so that my places get overrun by those who add nothing in return. Whether or not there is a "secret" board, I won't be doing that anymore.
I've personally seen a couple of my favorite spots overrun and some from others.
I see nothing "elitist" about wanting to share more information with those who are willing to share more information with me.... and protect that information from those who lurk and contribute nothing.
That does not mean I won't be posting items in the open forum because I do think the open forum is a vital gateway to new members.