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Okay I have a day off and it looks like it's those couple days when it's too thick to cast and too thin to walk on and drill holes... So I was thinking project day... Went looking for a pair of old snow skis at the DI today, but found a pair of water skis that I bought instead... Mostly because they were in better shape than my current pair and I usually have kids in the summer that want to water ski... anyway first question... snow skis or water skis for a smitty? Will floatation be better or will the extra width charge a penalty pulling through deeper snow? Next question, how wide? I have been wondering about 4' so it still fits between the wheel wells in the truck but wide enough to help stabilize tip over... How high of risers? Been thinking of using 2 X 12's so it won't drag as much... Most of the designs I've seen are from back east in heavy wet snow country and not Utah powder so I expect those skis will cut through the powder and I'm going to need fair clearance to keep from dragging snow... Next, how far between cross members? Been thinking 2' so I can balance my ice auger better... Next question any ideas for mounting a power auger on the sled so it stays secure and doesn't drag? I'd like to have the sled so I can take my tent, the power auger, my old ice sled, bucket, tote and battery (12V size 24), maybe a couple folding chairs for company... I know I won't be able to pull all this, but I may find a couple young boys to go with and pull the sled for me... Glad I have a state pass and can get close to water level at Hyrum rather than going down that steep hill on the east end... I'm getting too old and take too much junk to do that route any more... Now if I can figure out a better route at Porcupine... Anyway just looking for help from you guys with great ideas or experience trying this before... Thanks J
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I did mine using snow skis. I'm not sure how different snow skis would be from water skis, but I personally would recommend you go with the snow skis since that's what you'll be using the sled on. Mine floats just fine over the snow with the weight I put on it (about 60 lbs). I used 2x6's for mine to raise the platform up off the skis, only used it for one season but never had any problems with it being too low. The longer you can keep the skis, the better it'll stay on the top. If I remember right, I made mine about 40" wide and similarly long. I used some youth skis (can't remember the length) so I didn't cut them down at all. I have to fit mine into the back of an SUV so I had some restraints there. Mine hasn't had any tendencies to tip over.
Aside from going back up hills, I don't think you'll have any problem carrying what you have with a smitty sled. They're really light to pull on level surfaces. Make sure you get a long enough rope so it can sit level on the snow (so you're not pulling the front end up).
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I made a Smitty sled last week I use snow skis and I build it for my Eskimo Grand Caravan I only went for two by fours when I flip my flip over down I didn't want it to be too high for the wind to go under I wanted to still be able to use it properly I build it exactly the width of the tuband then I went all out I did stainless steel turnbuckles from the top to the wood so that I could it would last I've also found that if we use this snow ski center newest years they have a stainless steel top or middle piece which holds them together better
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Thank you for your insight. It really helps to have a local perspective. I'll see what I can accomplish. Later J
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Sounds nice, let me know how you like it when it sees some action. I sure appreciate you guys sharing the tips I think it will make my sled a little more user friendly. Thanks. J
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I did mine with water skis but haven't had a chance to try it out yet. If you plan on using the skis after ice fishing season it might be a pain designing something to mount to it. I had to drill holes in mine so I don't think they are any good for anything else now. Don't make it too tall, that was my mistake. I had to shorten it because I thought it was too top heavy. I went and bought a husky tool chest from home depot that has a hinged top, bought some 2 x 12 s and made a platform 8" high to mount the box. The skis are about 3 foot wide so it fits in the back of the truck just fine. Got some 2" PVC and made some holders on the side of box for tent and augur. Just go with what works for you I guess, I made mine so it all comes apart. Good luck.
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Thanks for the tips, I got dimensions and stuff but didn't have time to start today but I'll sketch something up and see if it will work. I hadn't planned on reusing the skis and I think I'll use snow skis, wish I wouldn't have sent mine to the DI last summer. Anyway I appreciate your thoughts. J
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I did mine with 2x4's as the cross beams, and the up rights with 2x8's. With snow ski's I found for $5.
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This is my current project. I am experimenting also !
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Looks good, but I have to ask what the casters are for on the side? I went and bought materials and had a shock when they told me $61.00. I bought fasteners and eye bolts for tying things down. Also got a few tie downs and a little rope but for two boards and some bolts I was surprised how spendy it was. Now I need to find some cheap skis. Only one pair at the DI and they wanted $25 so I figure I can find cheaper. Well thank you for the ideas. I love pictures they really help. Thank you. J
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I think yours and mine will be very similar. Have you had a chance to use yours yet? If so how do you like it? One other question, I've seen most of the sleds with the pull ropes attached to the ski tips, is that the best spot or would pulling from the cross member work just as well? Any reason why ski tips are better? Thanks J
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I've been thinking of building one of these sleds. I have a jet sled and with me and three kids 13, 11 and 7 I wind up hauling everything including the kitchen sink. Are the skis much easier to pull?
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They tell me that the Smitty is easier to pull than the jet sleds. I haven't tried one yet, but that is what made me want to build one. We'll see if they are better or not. I also needed more room for the power auger this year. Later J
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They look a lot easier. Got to much gear. need a dog team to pull the sled.
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I agree, I hope this will help me make it in one trip without having to make a chain of sleds. May have to get a four wheeler to pull it, they are easier to take care of than a team of dogs. However not nearly as cool. Good luck with yours. Later J
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It pulls great, I used wood dowels to fasten the cross members to the up rights. Pulling from the bottom of the ski's helps keep them above the powder. I made it extra wide to carry a lot of gear for the gorge.
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Looks and sounds like a good idea. I'm having a hard time deciding how I want to load mine so I'm not sure how to build it yet. Maybe I'll start and just let it evolve. It's really just how to deal with the power auger that's causing me issues. Wish I knew how would be best to mount it. Later J
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PVC frame and bungee chords come to mind[:p]
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These are updated photos, I still need to attach the eye bolts to the ski's. To answer your question, the casters are an idea I had to limit damage to the bottom of the ski's crossing parking lots, roads, etc. If they don't work out I can remove them easily. This sled started out much wider, however, after considering some of the places I fish; narrow trails through trees and squeezing through fence gates, I narrowed the profile to just outside the ice sled. I'm sure as I use it this winter I will make improvements to the design as I learn what works and what doesn't. I still need to work on organizing the gear and lightening my load. Good luck with your Smitty, I would like to see how it turns out !
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Maybe still not seeing how yet but I will when I start putting it together. J