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Srawberry help
Heading up to the berry have never had much luck in the past, any tips that might help would be greatly appreciated.
The last time I fished it the bite was very light you had to watch for the weight to come off the line instead of a tug. Good luck!
We went last week and did very well catching small rainbows. The key to success at the berry is that if the fish aren't biting, change where you are and what you're doing. There are a lot of fish in the lake, and just like people, they don't like the same thing every day. The bite right now is very very light, in fact it's so soft that unless you are jigging, you may not even notice. Use a fish finder if you have one, and if you don't have one, think about getting one. We found that the smallest ice flies worked best last week, but you never know what they will want tomorrow. Wink

Good luck!
I recently went and caught all my fish shallow. 10-15 feet of water or less. Keep it moving slowly.

Night crawler pieces, meal worms, or shrimp seemed to work well. The hit was a green trout bait marshmallow with garlic sent.

Tried deeper, no luck. The bite was really light and you have to be skilled at setting the hook. Sight fished some of mine because the bite was so lite - when my bait disappeared, a slight movement upward was all that was needed.

Good luck! Stay close to the shore and shallow. Best fishing was from 7-11 AM and 4-6 PM, but certain spots had consistent fishing all day.
Thanx for the info! We hit the berry as the sun came up and had a fish hit right away on the designated dead stick just like last time in 40' of water. we moved shallow then shallower than super shallow nothing moved deep marked a couple but no takers. tossed everything but the beef jerky in and no takers. All in all a great day fishing with a friend and his kid my kid fantastic weather. (one day I will figure them fishes out)

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