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fishlake (report) 1-7-04
went up to fish lake yesterday and did very good on the fishing.. we got there at about 9:00 but spent the first 30 min's getting the jeep unstuck.. i pulled off in the wrong spot.. we fish the the north west side in about 51' feet of water..rainbow's splake and pup mack's came up stedy all day long.. we were useing white tube jig's tiped with perch or minnows most the pup's came in on the sucker minnows.. we also was useing buzzbombs in glow and doing good on the splake.. we did have a 24" splake that i was going to get a pic of but we put it out side the ice hut and was fishing then we heard a swoosh and something hit the ice hut we opend the door just in time to see a bald eagle flying away with are fish.. it was cool to see but it was allso the bigest fish of the day[mad].. so we started puting the fish on the other side of the ice hut shilded by my box and it worked most the day tell one of the fish fliped out in the open and then swoosh there went another fish to the eagle.. i have never see eagles be so agresive but it was fun the watch them swoop in and grab our fish..

from the fuzzyfisher--------------------------fish on dudes
[size 2]Hey Ron, just make sure you are walking around with a stick or something. We don't want those eagles flying off with you. Nice pics[/size]
3 years ago I was with a group at Fish Lake on the east side by the lava flows and a golden eagle grabbed a splake while we were in chairs and others were standing around! It was a 22" splake and then the eagle had the nerve to eat it while perched on a rock on the shore![mad] Why do they always go after splake?

How was the ice? Is the entire lake covered? I'll be down in a month for a few days during the week. Some of us may go to Mill Meadow and catch some hybrids.

Thanks for the report! Oh yeah, have you hit Electric Lake or Otter Creek lately?
no have not been to e-lake for a while i have a buddy that drives that way every day and he was saying that there is 3' to 5' foot drifts along the dam[Sad]..and that lake is hard to get in to any way with out haveing to fight that kind of snow too..

otter creek i have not been to this year but my buddy that i was fishing with yesterday at fishlake lives in Koosharem and he has been fishing otter creek for the 3 week 3 to 4 times a week and not doing to good.. he was saying it's alot slower than last year was..

thats why we went to fishlake..

hope that helps

fish on dudes
I'll second that Otter sucks. I don't know why your friend still goes so much. I was up at Fish lake also and didn't see anybody on the east side. It couldn't been because of that snow and wind storm. HAHA If I knew another BFTer was there I'd stopped by and said hi.
Thanks for the report. I'd love to be able to get down that way one of these days. Pretty funny about the eagle putting the hurt on your fish![Tongue] Nice pics by the way.

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