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Best Way To Contact DNR About Willard South
With water still being low and this year looking like yet another low water year I drove out to Willard south marina to see how it looked after we got done fishing from the north marina and of course its low and still very rocky.
I want to try getting in touch with someone in the uppers of DNR to see what it would take to get the big rocks moved out of the marina before they open the gates and start filling it back up (last year there was a few fairly large ones right infront of the dock that if unknown could cause some serious boat damage along with all the other random pro killers hidden throughout)

I ate 2 props out there last year (yes I know its my risk/fault for boating in shallow waters even with the ramp closed signs, im not trying to blame anyone for that ) and would like to see if I could maybe get DNR to either step in and get the rocks moved out of the water or seeing's how I know they've been trying to get it dredged but have to get it approved by many others if maybe we could get them to "look the other way" for a weekend and ill gladly rent a piece of equipment to moved all the ones possible

I know its a very unlikely that they would allow it but to me and im sure quite a few others its worth at least trying. maybe with enough signatures and volunteers they would give us a chance?
You must have missed it but that was done last Fall, see link:
If you are interested in getting involved in helping out there are several BFT member that are working with The Friends of Willard to do exactly what you are talking about. Go to the meeting that is listed at the link and get involved, they need your support. There are plans in place to dredge both the North and South marinas but as you said, waiting for approval is the tough part. I can also give you the phone number for Willard state park and the Email address for the Park manager, if that will help but I think getting involved with this group is the best route.
[quote wiperhunter2]You must have missed it but that was done last Fall, see link:
If you are interested in getting involved in helping out there are several member that are working with The Friends of Willard to do exactly what you are talking about. Go to the meeting that is listed at the link and get involved, they need your support. There are plans in place to dredge both the North and South marinas but as you said, waiting for approval is the tough part. I can also give you the phone number for Willard state park and the Email address the the Park manager, if that will help but I think getting involved with this group is the best route.[/quote]

yes i did miss it, seen it right after i posted tho, Planning on going to the meeting now

I remember the rock pick up trailer there last year, everytime we went out we made sure to throw a few in but alot of the pressing problem ones (im my own opinion) are out in the water and are much larger then the average joe can move himself (but i also do think it is WELL worth the effort in clearing the ones we can on what is currently dry land for when it is underwater again

I would also like to see them maybe consider pushing the dock out a few feet so that with our limited watershed it can atleast be somewhat used.

hope to see a good showing at the meeting, maybe itll be the thorn in there side they need to get the upkeep done on the bay.

if you dont mind sending me the numer and email, id appreciate it
I don't think u need to worry about it getting much water with the snowpack we have now I'll bet it don't come up two ft this year.gsl is sucking more outthan comes in right now. Better get used to it by the end of summer u won't be launching out of the north marina
You would want to contact the State Parks people for this, not the DNR.
They should be the ones to do the work at Willard.
[quote TRUBBS]
I would also like to see them maybe consider pushing the dock out a few feet so that with our limited watershed it can at least be somewhat used.

if you dont mind sending me the number and email, id appreciate it[/quote]

I ask the park manger the same question last year about pulling the docks out farther and the answer I received was that they have pulled them out as far as they can. He said something about an anchor line not being long enough to go out any more. I guess there are cables that connect to the dock, so the wind can't push them from side to side.

Unless you call them early between 8 and 9 am, it will go to voice mail. PM sent
[quote Littlebuck3333]I don't think u need to worry about it getting much water with the snowpack we have now I'll bet it don't come up two ft this year.gsl is sucking more outthan comes in right now. Better get used to it by the end of summer u won't be launching out of the north marina[/quote]

kinda my point, now seams like the best time to take care of the issue while the levels are down, be a good time to take care of the rock island to the south right out of the south marina and the sand bar to the north also.

they need to start thinking about the boats that use willard a little more im my opinion, when i talked to the dnr guy i asked why theyre not putting some of the chevron settlement money back into the bay (like fixing norths ramp) and he said they main focus is the camp grounds.
dont get me wrong i think the grounds need it also but if it wasnt for the water no one would be going there to camp in the first place (again thats my peronal opinion)
[quote DKStroutfitter]You would want to contact the State Parks people for this, not the DNR.
They should be the ones to do the work at Willard.[/quote]

thanks, I kinda figured that they were on of the same as far as managing willard but got the contact info for the park manager so ill try calling him tomorrow and see what he says
[quote wiperhunter2][quote TRUBBS]
I would also like to see them maybe consider pushing the dock out a few feet so that with our limited watershed it can at least be somewhat used.

if you dont mind sending me the number and email, id appreciate it[/quote]

I ask the park manger the same question last year about pulling the docks out farther and the answer I received was that they have pulled them out as far as they can. He said something about an anchor line not being long enough to go out any more. I guess there are cables that connect to the dock, so the wind can't push them from side to side.

Unless you call them early between 8 and 9 am, it will go to voice mail. PM sent[/quote]

I havent really fallowed the stats on willard over the past few years as up untill last year i only took our 32' bayliner to the gorge but now that ive been using it im trying to be as involved in the loop as i can.

but from what ive gathered (forgive/correct me if iam wrong here) the water has been staying rather low for quite a few years now yes? if that is in fact the case i think its time to go ahead and cut the cable and extend it out to suit the needs of present/future boaters needs rather then past ones.
they could easly cut and extend the cable to push it out further and still secure it.
The lake has been pretty low for the last three year and two or three years before that I'd say it was average. About ten years ago, the water level was lower that it has been up till this year, then we had several good years where the lake was full for two or three years. Willard has been going through these cycles for a lot of year, like 30 years that I remember. I do believe we are in for another bad year too, I guess it is possible that things could change in the coming months but it isn't looking good. If they are able to get approval to dredge the marinas, this would be the year to do it while it is low. If it does happen, I would hope they would not try to do both marinas at the same time. There are a lot of projects in the works, including extending those docks in the South marina. They are not planning on pulling them out more but adding onto the length. There are also plans in the works to put in fishermans docks, in both the North and South marinas. There are plans to improve shore access at several places for those fishing from shore. You will hear about a lot of the plans at the meeting and if they all happen it will be amazing.
From the Willard State Park Staff:
"We have had a couple volunteer groups go down and remove a lot of the rocks but there are still more. We run into issues of needing to have a 404 permit for work below high water mark that restricts us but are doing all we can in the meantime to remove what we can. With the spring coming we will look to perform some more of these rock removal projects to continue to improve the area. People can feel free to contact us at the park if they are interested in assisting with these projects.

so looks like nothing will really happen good tell they dredge it out.

looks like we need to get a spring rock clean up planned while its low
For a guy not familiar with the bay like myself would you suggest taking a 19 ft boat out not knowing the body of water? Or do you think I could get by. Thanks
[quote hookjaw2009]For a guy not familiar with the bay like myself would you suggest taking a 19 ft boat out not knowing the body of water? Or do you think I could get by. Thanks[/quote]

I would go out & explore it, only one way to really get familiar with it.

Just be carefull launching & motoring in the marinas, go slow & have the engine trimmed up.
There's an Island to know about to, but it's early & I can't remember how to explain its location

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