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ChooChooSnakeMan, Chickamauga, Bass, Bluegill, 5/3/2015, solo
Had a great time at the CFF on Saturday but was a little disappointed in the number of fish I caught. Had a chance to go out with a friend from church late Sunday evening for some kayak fishing. Didn't leave sight of the ramp and fished for a few hours. I managed 4 bass and 3 bluegill. My best 3 bass were the pictured 4 1/2 and I had a 3 and a 2! Pretty good for just a couple of hours from a $600.00 kayak. Fishing is impossible to figure out. Here we are Saturday in a super nice high $$ bass yacht with 225 ponies hanging off the back and we cover some water and the two of us fish hard for about 7 hours and end up with around 8 1/2 lbs. Then I go out in my one James power kayak for a few hours and catch 9 1/2 lbs on a 100 yard stretch . Oh well I guess the unpredictability of it is part of the charm . All the kayak fish were caught dirt shallow off wood on soft plastics worked very slowly. If you haven't tried kayak fishing you need to give it a try. It is a whole different perspective.

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