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50 lb. 5 oz. Lake Trout...
Here is what a 50 lb lake trout looks like, utah's current record is 51 lbs.
Kung pao, what a fish!!!!
I see what you did there.

Doing a little internet trolling today eh.
it only looks that big because he's holding it far away from his body next to the
[quote Bmarsh]I see what you did there.

Doing a little internet trolling today eh.[/quote]

Huh, I just saw a pic of a big fish and thought you guys may enjoy it.
looks like he's hugging it too tight, I don't think this fish will survive......... I saw a much smaller looking mac not that long ago that was 50 lbs as well. It must have swallowed a lot of tungsten sinkers! oh I forgot to say, nice fish!
Any idea when it was taken?
It must be catching...(pun intended)

Here's a thread from another board:
That fish the 13 yr old is holding on that linked forum was on my boat 6 days ago. It was 43. His grandpa got a 38 that morning. Fishing's really tough right now though.

I've had a few in the 50-54 range on my boat, and they can't be held "straight armed" out from the body. Most of you have already seen the pictures. For those that haven't, or are so inclined, they are on my website on the "Big Fish Pics" link along with a parade of 40's. I haven't posted many from this season yet. (October).
[quote Old_Coot]Any idea when it was taken?[/quote]
Ralph, I believe that's a fish from Blue Mesa in Colorado taken about a decade ago, give or take a few years. It was killed for silly "record" notoriety, which still stands, though I also know of a couple larger than that caught and released from Colorado waters. Fish records are meaningless since they are not, in most cases, the "biggest ever caught" from a body of water, state, country, or planet.
I watched a guy catch a 51. It was not that long ago. I watched him release it. There is no mount, no record ... It would have been ... Just one big ass fish that is still swimming for someone else to get the thrill of their lifetime. This guy knows he caught it and that's all that matters. Right Jim ????
that is Donny walkers 2007 colorado state record out of blue mesa. CDOW claimed that fish was 15 years old. it is dead as well as the 6000+ lake trout the CPW has netted and killed in past 5 years in order to protect the salmon. As of now the Salmon fishery is in total collapse at Blue Mesa allong with very few lake trout left worth chasing. Well done CPW, look out what you wish for Utah, Utahs resourse management puts Colorado to shame. oh did I mention blue Mesa now has gill lice that were introduced though hatchey stocking, the gill likce destroyed the kokanee fishery at 11 mile in short order, what a shame....Blue Mesa was such an awsome fishery in the the early 2000's, now in the toliet.
The feds don't seem to do such a great job in Colorado either...(EPA)
epa did exactly what they wanted to , expect a superfund site in silverton in near future , image that LOL. what a joke that watershed had been full of heavy metals since the begining of time, every rain storm washes more into the creeks and rivers. they just gave it a big dousche and should have and easy time getting funding for superfund clean up now,

Now that fish looks like a 50 lb. fish, unlike the one in the other post that is locked stating it is one pound from the state record. That one the young boy is holding in Jim's boat looks bigger. Things that make you go hmmmm.
[quote utwalleye]
Now that fish looks like a 50 lb. fish, unlike the one in the other post that is locked stating it is one pound from the state record. That one the young boy is holding in Jim's boat looks bigger. Things that make you go hmmmm.[/quote]

Ya, weird, huh?

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