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mocs-tr20, CBA August Open, Largemouth, 8/15/15, David
I had to started off the day alone until about 10:00am....Dave had a tournament at the country club and had to work. I started off on some grass, and in the first 15 min had a 3/1 and a 3/8. Then they died pretty quickly after that. Dave finally got to the ramp, and Thankfully Todd Smith was right around the corner from me to do a livewell check. Had to run to Todd Then went and got Dave and straight back to Todd. Thanks you for helping me man. After that we decided to go into HBSP.<br /><br />Thought it was going to be good in there, but due to the barge sinking there was gas all over the place in the park. I hope they get that cleaned up soon. We left there and headed up river stopped on a grass line and Dave gets one close to 5 pounds. Since we weren't doing anything anywhere else, we wasted a lot of time there with no results. At this point it is about 1:00pm, and we decided to go back where I caught the first 2 that morning. I stick one get her to the boat a decent 2/7 pound fish. So at 2:30 we had 4 fish that would go maybe 13-14 pounds. Me and Dave made a decision to leave the grass and go deep. I am glad we did.<br /><br />We pulled up on a river ledge, and the graphs lit up. First cast Dave catches a 3/15 pound fish to fill out our limit. I was like "Oh Yea Their on here man". About 5 minutes later I stick a 5 pounder, to get rid of the 2 pounder. A little later I was reeling my jig up and one hits it reeling it up, I stick her and its another 4 pounder. A while longer Dave gets another bite, and it was another 4 pounder. What a change of events in the last hour of the tournament. we caught a few more over 3, but nothing that would help. I told Dave now this is Tennessee River Fishing at its best. <br /><br />We ended up with 21.57 good enough for 7th place, and a decent check. The Lord blessed us in the last hour and I am truly grateful. Congrats to the Criders on a big win and to all the top finishers.

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