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NEVER give up!
I fly fish, but I had to share this story with everyone. I still can't believe it.
I fish the Jordan river often. I take two fly outfits with me (in case one should tangle or break).
I fish a fly under a Thingamabobber in a slow current.
I went out yesterday morning in the rain as it seems more productive at times.
I hooked into a good size Carp. Landed it in the net then prepped to take a selfie.
I took the hook out and kinda tossed the line back in the water out of the way. (rod in bottom left of picture)
[Image: 2_zpsqibfbhgf.jpg]
I put the other rod in my mouth (a silly pose) and took picture of carp.
[Image: IMG_3523_zpsiuzyfjtk.jpg]
I let it go and turn to see my rod that I caught it on GONE!!!!
Granted one of the least costing setups I have but I really liked that CGR 7/8 because of it's size. The Icon reel worked good and the Windcutter line float really well. I WAS BUMMED!
I cast a couple more times trying to snag something, but no go.
Came home with my head down.
Made dinner and decided to go to this spot one more time.
I cast to the area I was fishing earlier and caught a nice little tugger.
[Image: 5_zpsbn8908jj.jpg]
There was a twig in the river acting really strange bouncing and going under. The wind kicked up and I swear I say a line from the twig out under the surface.
I cast out in front and let the current and wind drift my indy.
I lifted rod tip and started stripping some line in to recast and I noticed I had hooked something. I thought a blade of grass. Kept lifting and WAHOOOOO! It was my line!
I kept tension but I was filling a tug. I walked down the river as the tip of the rod came out, but it was jammed in some down weeds. I kept tugging and finally it cam out!
I grabbed the lost rod and proceeded to land the thief!
[Image: IMG_3526_zpssku9l55s.jpg]
Sorry for the rain on the camera. I am so happy.

On a side note, I did find out Cabela's has the CGR on sale for $69. Needless to say, I ordered another one.
Now that is a great fish story!!! Glad you got your rod back!
Lucky! I know if that happened to me I wouldn't have been so lucky.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Girl, you had better get yourself to Wyoming or Idaho, today if possible, and buy you some lottery tickets. That kind of luck doesn't come around very often.[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][Wink][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
Never give up.
That's a pretty good fish story! I'm glad you got your setup back. Perhaps you can use your talent of recovery to help me find a setup that sunk to the bottom of Strawberry last year? [Smile]
Oh, I have a few items there too.
I love that story. You can't make up stuff like that. And, you caught the thief!! That is my favorite. I am going to tell people about this crazy fish story.

Thanks for sharing that with us. I hope to see you up at Strawberry this year.

Great story FG, glad you got your rig back!
Very cool!!! Great story.....
I am so ready for Strawberry! I have a Stand Up Paddle Board coming that I am wanting to make it Kayak style with benefits. But I am always ready to go.
Great story Joni.
Great story FG -- sometimes the river taketh and sometimes it giveth back.
Way to go Joni - great story. That has got to be a hoot landing those large carp on a fly rod. Wouldn't mind trying that sometime, but would first have to purchase a fly rod and reel.
About 40 yrs. ago, A neighbor kid and I put into Strawberry from the old Charlies Trout Creek Boat Camp. We were in a little homebuilt canoe type thing. We were fishing maybe 200 yd. from the shore when I kept thinking I had a bite but when I picked the rod up, nothing. Finally figured whatever it was had stolen my Velveeta so I reeled in to find I'd hooked a line. When I got hold of the line, I felt a tug. Pulled it in and retrieved about a 18" bow. Told the Kid I bet there was a rod on the other end of the line & he laughed. Well, I did pull in a nice Conolon rod with a green Johnson reel on it. When we finished fishing and went back to the dock, we tied up right across from one of Charlies rental boats. We got to talking about our day and I mentioned catching a rod. An old guy with them asked if it had a green reel on it, I said yes & he described the outfit to a "t". He said he'd dozed off and awoke to watch his rod disappear over the edge of the boat. Talk about a happy camper, he sure was.

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