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Ririe report
Went up to ririe reservoir for the first time yesterday, weather was great but the fishing was not! There was ALOT of peopleI around the dock areas so I started out by walking all the way to the right of the boat ramps/docks almost as far as you can walk. I tossed lures and dangled worms for a couple hours without a nibble. So I decided to head back and see if I could get a spot on or around a dock. I found an open spot on the squarish dock where I noticed a few people catching small trout and perch on worms. I tried my luck there still no success moved down a couple docks got one bite and that was it for the day. The water was very stained and high and the recreational crowd was out in full force swimming and rafting making it hard to find a quiet spot to fish. Next time ill go during the week and hopefully have better luck.
I've never fished Ririe from the shore, always have used my boat for kokes and smallies. Sorry to hear you didn't catch anything.

Last winter some fishermen were picking up rainbows by the Juniper dock. Don't know if that works during the summer months or not. I know some fishermen catch perch off the docks at Blacktail, even catch a koke once in a while. Not sure what they use for bait.

Best of luck.
Thanks for the info. Im not sure where the juniper dock is, I fished at blacktail (its the only spot I know)... everwhere I go the water is high and muddy so I might go try roberts gravel pond for some tiger trout next.
Juniper is on highway 26 going to Ririe. Turn south off 26 and go to the Ririe Res. dam. The dock is past the camping area. Sorry it's a fee area.

I haven't been to Roberts pond for since they stocked it with the tiger trout. Always a lot of small perch

good luck.
The water will also be clearer down on the juniper end - further away from the tribs.
I've often fished both sides over the years. Blacktail is better for perch and juniper is decent for bass. Both are good for trout. Keep in mind this is from shore fishing. If you have a boat the dynamic changes and both ends are good all around. For blacktail I'll usually fish the docks. The slope is so gradual that it's tough to get to even moderately deeper water from shore. Fish are often there but I snag a lot too. Here I'll use a small jig around 1/8 oz and a pinch of worm. Drop it to bottom the set it about six inches off bottom and wait occasionally jigging it. Will move often until I get some interest then settle in. Will often cast out same rig and jig it back while moving. From juniper side I usually use panther martins up to 1/4 oz size and preferably in holographic patterns but others often work well. Straight off the side of the parking area down to the water from there up res to the first cove I'll fan cast letting the spinner sink up to ten seconds then a slow to moderate retrieve. I'll gradually works my way up and down the shoreline and can usually pick up a few. Have seen and caught bass this way as well. Get yourself a boat and we can talk other options as well.

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