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Crawfish Help
My boys have been bugging me to take them up to Strawberry to catch crawdads. I've never fished Strawberry, just driven by it on my way to Starvation. I was hoping that some of y'all could fill me in on some good places to go. My wife said she would even go with us so if there are places that have picnic tables or pit toilets nearby, that might be a plus. I know most of y'all just catch them with chicken and traps. I've got all that as well as some different baits to try. Just need info on places to try. Any info is appreciated. Thanks!
They were pulling them out on a regular basis on the docks at the main marina last week. Both when we launched and when we loaded up.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
By main marina do you mean Strawberry Bay? I don't want to get in the way of folks trying to launch boats. Is there enough room so you can easily stay out of the way of folks trying to load/unload boats?
PM sent, not because I want to protect something like a crawfish spot but because I want to preserve your good time.
Yeah Strawberry bay. These folks were just on the outside edge of the docks while the boats were using the slips on the inside.

Didn't seem to be any problems while we were there loading and unloading. I would imagine that you could just chase them from the shore to.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
Last month we caught hundreds of them on the SC side near the boat ramp. Kids had a blast. We had a trap but caught more with a raw chicken leg tied to a string.
I appreciate all the replies and PMs y'all. I have a couple of places to try so I'm hoping we get into some. How are the roads out to places like Soldier Creek? I have a truck but since it is the whole fam damily this time, we will be in a 2WD vehicle. Are they maintained roads or am I in for some deep ruts and stuff?

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