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Willard bay on the ice
Well TD (Pat) did worn me this past fall that Willard was a hard pond to ice fish. he was right. I didn't want to fight the parking and the crowds on the ice at Mantua so I have been hitting the north marina. out of the 3 time there I have decked 3 fish so not getting skunk. but 1 fish for 6 hours is not good. so if your looking to catch pass Willard by and head up the hill to Mantua.
Ice is 4" water cloudy deepest hole I found is 12' by the ramp.
There's Always Time For One More Cast
[#0000FF]Glad you at least got something for your troubles. That perch is respectable.

The tent makes the cold more endurable but it can be a detriment to finding fish. It often takes quite a bit of moving and grooving (drilling) to either find a concentration of fish or a "fish highway" where the fish will be moving through from time to time. And once you are set up in a tent it is a pain to keep taking it down and relocating.

There are not many Willardites who can claim to catch fish on every ice trip...or even every open water trip. Definitely hard deck venues that are usually more rewarding.
I agree Pat the tent dose stop me from hunting around as much as I should be. It takes me about a 15 min. to set up with getting the Marcum looking at my jig and popping the tent up so once its up that's where I'll be the rest of the day. guess its my tropical blood can't stay cold for too long. [Wink]
There's Always Time For One More Cast
"guess its my tropical blood can't stay cold for too long."

[#0000FF]That doesn't make you a bad person...or a poor fisherman. You are simply giving the fish greater odds and showing them some respect.

I definitely sympathize with the cold syndrome thing. I spent enough years in Arizona that I too became something of a warmth wimp. I dearly enjoy catching fish through the ice but I don't enjoy frostbite or hypothermia. That is one of several reasons why I gave up ice fishing this year. Miss it already.
Here is a link to a post Pat made a few years back, it was the best ice fishing trip I've ever had there. Good times for sure:;#862533
Nice perch and kitty. I went out Friday evening and fished the marina from 5:30 until 8. Skunk for me. I did see some fish on the flasher a couple feet off the bottom. Might have been crappies. One day this week, I'm going to drive around the dike and give it a try on the west side.

I'm seeing a lot of adult shad on the Marcum schools of 10 or more or the same five going around and around [bobhappy]
There's Always Time For One More Cast
Shad might be what I was seeing. Moved in and out in groups.

Is the Marcum a underwater camera?
yes WH2
There's Always Time For One More Cast
Thats cool, you can even capture pics of what you see.
it has a RCA jack in back but I cant find anything to record it to. I got the picture from my phone
There's Always Time For One More Cast

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