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Causey ice and the Ogden
Took a little drive up to Causey yesterday to try and find some gosh darn ice. The Boy scout arm is starting to ice up as well as the arm that runs up towards Causey estates. The other (not sure what to call it ) was just about froze to the cliffs. So with some more cold weather it wont be long.
With that said I have the fishing bug and deicided to hit the Ogden with the fly rod. Beings that this is one of my favorite times of the year to fish. Something about eyelets freezing up, not playing leap frog with everyone else in the river and something about fishing in the snow seems to work really well for me. Started off with a flashback pheasant tail and a serindipity. Caught 3 smaller browns (12" size) and 1 rainbow that looked to be a planter. Had quite a few fish flip me the fin. Moved on with a prince with a red zebra midge below. Hooked up with 2 more browns around 14". Took 1 wrong step and in the drink I went. With a sore butt and wet sweat shirt I called it a day. Water levels were low and slow and pretty clear.
Praying to the ice gods now.
iceing up but nothing to walk on ?
You might be able to get on if you are up for a hike on the trail that takes you up the inlet and if you have a big set of cahones. Ice that had formed looked really cloudy. The Bay in front of the dam was still wide open.
Running shoes stop me from checking right. Throwing rock In the boy scout arm i guess ice is 1.5 inches or less. A three this afternoon in was 23 degrees. It should be good very soon.
Had to finish a job up in Eden and I figured what the heck, I might as well go up to causey and check it out.
I went over to the boy scout arm to see how it looked. I decided to try it out and throw a pole in the water. Ice was between 1.5"-2" thick. Definately was a little thin for my liking, But I was itching to get out and fish for the first time this season.
Bring your safety picks if your going to be as dumb as me and risk taking a cold bath.
Hopefully it thickens up by this weekend.
Thanks for posting an update on the ice there and welcome to the site. Did you catch any fish?
Nope. I Only fished for 45 mins. The sun was going down and i got cold. My usual spot is really shallow this year. I didn't dare venture around too much by myself. I'm heading back out there Saturday or Sunday. Ice should be good by then.
Have pics of causey as of Thursday, will try and post
Looks like the water level has come up a bunch since I took pics in the early fall, thanks for posting them. Did you notice if anyone had fished it?
Nobody fished out from the dam. I would have walked down and checked the ice but I didn't have snow boots on, snow was pretty deep on the dam. I might be dumb enough to test it out tomorrow...we'll see haha
I would welcome a report, even a PM if you you don't mind. It seems in most years we get safe ice by Christmas but this year I was starting to have my doubts.
Not a problem, for sure will let you know
Fished boy scout arm yesterday. Caught plenty plenty of rainbows. Buddy pulled a 17" bow through the ice. There was 4" of ice. It was 7 degrees when we got there at 7 a.m. was a awesome day!
Sounds like a fun trip, was your group the only ones on the ice? I'm guessing the ice at the dam still isn't looking safe?
Drove up to Causey with the wife and kid to see what the ice looked like. There were a few people near the spillway fishing threw the ice. I think I'll wait a few more days before I get out on it (I'm chicken). I didn't ask them how thick the ice is.
Thanks for the info Bret, I'm with you, I think I'll wait a little longer.
Yeah. Lots of people drove by. Another guy showed up later in the day and fished by us. He caught fish pretty consistent just like us. The daytime high stayed around 28 degrees so we had no problem with crossing on and off the ice. That's the one thing that can be pain about causey. We used to have to bring a 2x4 to get on and off the ice. I would say by today that the ice should be thick enough by the dam now. I'm going to try that area next time I head out there.
Good to hear, looks like your group did good. I hope this storm coming in doesn't limit access to the area.
The storm isn't suppose to be anything to brag about. It should be fine. It would be nice to have some snow on top of the ice. That ice was deadly slick. There's a enough ice thickness now that it can snow all It's wants.

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