02-02-2004, 08:11 PM
My boy and I bought the Garmin Rhino 120’s last fall for the elk hunt. We liked both the GPS and the radio functions. I purchased the Garmin topographic disk and down loaded some topo maps to our GPS’s, which really enhances the landmarks and the terrain. As for the 2 way radio, we found that once you got use to the squelch settings it worked fine. We tested the between radios directional capability and it worked great; my son and I were hunting in some heavy timber last fall and we were about a mile apart – talking to one another and our Reno 120’s were giving us a directional to one another. I also have a Garmin GPS 5 and have used it for snowmobiling, fishing and hunting, but it’s pricy at about 500.00. We paid 249.00 for the Rhino 120 at Sportsman’s. I would suggest that if your GPS doesn’t have topographical mapping that you buy the software disks to download, it makes a world of difference.