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Personal protection - Springield vs Glock
Bearclaw, Personally and professionally I wear a Glock there is no substitute, but look more at the caliber, 9mm is good, but if your looking for personal and home protection look more at the 40 and 45cal if you can fit it in your hand,the knock down and man stopping power is documented, dont just take an old cops opionion, look it up. the Glock is a single action pistol, which means the same trigger pull each time, some pistols the first round is double action only, if your not familiar with that and you dont practice enough under stress (which will be the reason for the purchase of this weapon as you describe), your first and possibly only shot will be low. unless you practice alot, which you should do anyway. but do some comparisons, and serious shopping it is an investment of alot of money, and you have to be happy with how it feels in your hand as well as your ability to shoot it accuratly. go to a range and test shoot the guns you have narrowed your search too, then make your decision based on what you can shoot best. then practice practice practice. and above all remember practice gun saftey all of the times. [Wink]

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Re: [BEARCLAW] Personal protection - Springield vs Glock - by icehole69 - 02-02-2004, 10:41 PM

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