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Federal Judge to VOID Super Bowl score!
Thanks, Steve!

Patriots are not legitimate champions in that the Falcons made more first downs. 

It's so outmoded and archaic.  The whole idea of counting touchdowns as six points, kicked extra points as one point and field goals as three points is just some weird notion concocted by old white males.
And who led the game for the most minutes?  Huh?

Perhaps if professional rioters get fools to join them with signs and silly hats, a Federal Judge will overturn the score and then they can all get Super Bowl rings as participation trophies!

But, all jokes aside, IF I were to have watched it, I would have watched for the cheerleaders and I agree the commercials are worthy.

The closest I get to being a spectator has been watching the front pack of an unofficial yet real bicycle race at an event large enough to attract the professional racers. I'm blessed with the ability to be in the breakaway pack with the best of the world's professional bicycle racers with the rest of them behind me.

Football is a sport for those who play it.

Sitting on a couch isn't.

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Re: [tubeN2] Federal Judge to VOID Super Bowl score! - by RonPaulFan - 02-08-2017, 05:20 AM

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