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Did your state increase fishing license fees this year?
[Sad]that is outrageous!!!!!!!!!! yeah benefittin somebody alright. i think still fer this little pond here someone is too. id be likein to know just whos and whats goin on in them stinkin condiminiums over htere. somethin is. whos linin whos pockets?? and what fer.?? ya know what i mean??? and these little town cops dont dare do nothin bout it, or there gittin lined too. i know one along time agao that was fer sure this little petty as town, thats where they like to go though. thats where we all got to watch whats goin on in our little towns fer it gits to the pont they got power and control over everythin. and the first thing they invest in is realty and land. from the bottom up. ya know?? but thats another story. huh??? YEssa! anyways seems the states ought ot be able to have a set price fer everythin and leave it. and not to be avle to just pull over to the side of the road is outrageaous. NO CONTROL THERE HUH??? NO POWER PLAYS THERE HUH?? THOSE ARE THE TYPES I LIKE BRINGIN DOWN! WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE?? that sure is somethin.

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Re: [patches] Did your state increase fishing license fees this year? - by patches - 02-04-2004, 02:04 PM

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