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Snowmobiles go through ice on Strawberry
[quote icejunkie]Report says north of Renegade Bay which is where I drilled a hole last Wednesday and ice was only 11 inches in one stop and 24 inches 3 feet away. Couple of fishing friends said that same hole yesterday was a big open water spot .[/quote]

If that is the area near the island over there, this spot is always a problem area and has claimed more than one vehicular "victim" over the years, even in better ice situations. However, when we were there on Tuesday, the edges were pretty sketchy in multiple areas and the area near the campground point heading towards East Portal bay also had a large dicey area. With the recent snow, one may not be able to even see these spots while moving quickly in a sled or even walking.

Please use due caution if you do go fishing up there in the next little while.

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Re: [icejunkie] Snowmobiles go through ice on Strawberry - by doggonefishin - 03-23-2017, 04:01 PM

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