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Wash 12 pounds of live crawfish. In the meantime
prepare the boiling water as follows: to a 10 gallon can
with a tight fitting lid add 5 gallons of water. Bring the
water to a boil and add:

1 large onion cut into 6 wedges
2 lemons cut into 4 wedges
1 box salt
6 oz. red pepper
2 stalks celery
1 small head of garlic

Put the lid on the can and boil for approximately 15 to 20
minutes to extract the flavors.

Put washed live crawfish into the boiling water. Cover and
bring to a boil. When the steam appears around edges of
the cover, begin to count cooking time. Cook 10 minutes,
stirring occasionally. The true test for doneness is when
the crawfish float to the top of the water. Turn off heat
and let soak for 5 minutes longer. Remove a few crawfish
and sample. If not seasoned enough let soak an additional
5 minutes. Lift crawfish from water and serve hot or cold.

To boil more crawfish in the same water, add more
seasoning and you are ready to cook the next batch.
Twelve pounds of crawfish will serve 6 people.

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