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Jmax, Nick, Bass, Pre-fishing the CFF, 4/24/17, alone
What a day! Caught and boated 48 bass! Numbers were great but size was lacking. Had about 75% of those were shorts. Lots of 13 and 14 inchers. Lost another dozen or so. Had one that felt really good come off. Wished I could have saw her. emoBawl Did catch a couple decent ones but none were hogs. Best one was a skinny four pounder. (below) Usually before a tournament I don't tell what I caught them on but this trip I will share. (you will see why) Let's me think, a spook, a square bill, a medium crank, a deep crank, a shakey, a spinner bait, I think that is it. lol, I never threw a jig or I might of had a couple on it too. emoTongue There is a shad spawn going on right now and those Bass would chase today. About had my rod jerked out of my hands today. Thumbs look like a sander got hold of them. That is a good problem to have. emoBigSmile <br /><br />Depths today were 2 foot to about 16 foot. Parts of the Nick are really muddy right now and there is whole trees floating down the river so be really careful this weekend. emoEek Temps were in the mid 70s where I fished. The river is backed up at the Narrows and flooded above it. The Marion County end was about a foot low. That is always weird to me.<br /><br />Looking forward to it this weekend. emoDance See ya down there. Jmax

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Jmax, Nick, Bass, Pre-fishing the CFF, 4/24/17, alone - by FishNews - 04-25-2017, 09:00 AM

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