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Another Starvation first
[#008000]Management is a tough game.[/#008000]

I too remember the perch of DC in the late 70's, early 80's. You could fill a 5 gallon bucket of them and all good sized.

That is a problem with all reservoirs. They age and as they age the cover changes. They suffer drastic water level changes so the weeds never get well established.

Worse yet is that perch, in the wrong water, can and do overpopulate, then they are as much of a problem as no perch.

[#0000bf]Right conditions, PERFECT FISHING[/#0000bf]. [#ff0000]Wrong conditions, they stunt everything in the lake.[/#ff0000]
[#000000]The best "lake" we have for them is Utah Lake, and the carp and resulting lack of cover and resulting carp and wind driven silt results in almost no perch. I have seen lakes like UL without carp, not even as deep, with weeds, that were full of some awesome perch and Bass and ......... Sorry, about to cry.[/#000000]

So, how is it that we kill out the carp and they find there way back into the lakes in a few years? Sure, sometimes it is carp coming from down stream, but often it is our illegal brethren and sisters using them as live bait.

Sometimes I feel the fight against Eurasian milfoil is counterproductive. It can choke a lake out, but more often then not it outgrows even the carp, the cover is maintained and so is the clarity, ..... but, it is also invasive and therefore illegal, so do not consider this a suggestion. Still, many great lakes in the Eastern US have been saved or rehabilitated by that invasive devil that "evolved" alongside carp.

The picture you see with my name is one of those lakes. It is full of carp, full of large perch, full of massive LMB and SMB, lots of huge pike, Walleye, Brown Trout, crappie (my best 19 1/8"), gills, and Rainbow trout. It is loaded with Northern Pikeminnow (squawfish), suckers, and yes, that nasty invasive weed that seems to hold the whole lake together.

But, did I mention that management is tough? It is hard to see the future, hard to predict the outcome, hard to plan for the unpredictable.

Our managers really need crystal balls, and I would give them mine, but mine is broken, cracked, damaged when I dropped it. LOL

But, back to the first report.

Man you had a great day. If my knee would allow it right now I would have my old Bucks Bag shipped to me and I would join you Saturday....... but, my wife and Doctor remind me that after only 5 weeks from a total knee replacement that I should probably skip it. So Sad, so very Sad.

[Image: sad.gif]

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Another Starvation first - by gofish435 - 05-16-2017, 01:24 AM
Re: [TubeDude] Another Starvation first - by Anglinarcher - 05-17-2017, 10:00 PM
Re: [gofish435] Another Starvation first - by SBW - 05-19-2017, 01:04 PM

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