05-22-2017, 04:39 AM
Under the bait section on page 12 of the guidebook-
You can't use live baitfish but there are several species of native minnows that you can either catch live and then freeze, or buy at bait shops. I've seen frozen redside shiners at a lot of gas stations near lakes. You can use live crayfish if they're caught on the water where you're fishing. Also, they're testing the new corn regs on several waters which includes Flaming Gorge. You can also cure eggs from any legal fish you catch and use them for bait, or just fresh eggs on the spot as long as you're not releasing the fish. Catch a big fat brown, clean her out, tie a glob of eggs to a hook with an egg loop and catch three more of her cannibal brethren, it's good fun.
Edit: Before you think about catching minnows and keeping them live until you put them on the hook, keep in mind that it's illegal to even posses live bait fish while fishing.
You can't use live baitfish but there are several species of native minnows that you can either catch live and then freeze, or buy at bait shops. I've seen frozen redside shiners at a lot of gas stations near lakes. You can use live crayfish if they're caught on the water where you're fishing. Also, they're testing the new corn regs on several waters which includes Flaming Gorge. You can also cure eggs from any legal fish you catch and use them for bait, or just fresh eggs on the spot as long as you're not releasing the fish. Catch a big fat brown, clean her out, tie a glob of eggs to a hook with an egg loop and catch three more of her cannibal brethren, it's good fun.
Edit: Before you think about catching minnows and keeping them live until you put them on the hook, keep in mind that it's illegal to even posses live bait fish while fishing.