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picture of our new Lund
Picked up that Lund Tyee 1950 last week that a lot of folks in the area were wanting, it is 4 times the boat my old one was and my wife actually liked being on it when we took it out for the maiden voyage Saturday to East Canyon. While the boat isn't perfect, it is far nicer than most 18 year old boats and the seats are perfect. Got up there to learn the starting battery was dead, ran cables from the front trolling battery to get it started and ran beautifully. Initially I was worried about the fuel in it being 2 years old, but after adding 3 cans of Seafoam and 20 gallons of fresh ethanol free it showed no signs of bad fuel. Still in the process of swapping in the bow mount and HDS unit from the old boat in preparation for the gorge this Thurs-Tues.

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picture of our new Lund - by fish_hntr - 05-22-2017, 05:04 PM

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