02-06-2004, 04:00 AM
I was with ST3 for four years in the navy, we used the sig P226 as our side arm. It is a tough gun that is easy to break down and clean when needed. I put it through some tough stuff and it just kept firing. I just finished reading your other posts, the sig sauer shoots the 9mm and it is very easy on the hands with very little recoil. We had some of our tech women learning how to shoot it and it was easy for them. Try it and you and her might like it. If not at least you could say you tried it. It was a good weapon, now I would really want anouther gun we used, the H&K MP5 now that was a good weapon![
I was with ST3 for four years in the navy, we used the sig P226 as our side arm. It is a tough gun that is easy to break down and clean when needed. I put it through some tough stuff and it just kept firing. I just finished reading your other posts, the sig sauer shoots the 9mm and it is very easy on the hands with very little recoil. We had some of our tech women learning how to shoot it and it was easy for them. Try it and you and her might like it. If not at least you could say you tried it. It was a good weapon, now I would really want anouther gun we used, the H&K MP5 now that was a good weapon