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Tugs is drugs (Willard) 7-27-17
[#0000FF]I thought of you yesterday...and semi sorta wished I had a fly rod myself. The cats were close to the rocks and I got a lot of smacks within seconds of my jigs plopping down right next to them. Also got a lot of tappity taps that might have been bluegills or other smaller critters.

Cats may be "second class citizens" to a lot of Utah anglers...but not to me. I may hope for wipers or walleyes but never disappointed when I gotta dance with the "ugly girls". They are almost always willing dance partners and they put on a fun show. Not bad to invite home to dinner either.

Messages In This Thread
Tugs is drugs (Willard) 7-27-17 - by TubeDude - 07-27-2017, 09:18 PM
Re: [FatBiker] Tugs is drugs (Willard) 7-27-17 - by TubeDude - 07-28-2017, 12:30 PM

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