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mjc1761, Guntersville Lake, Bass, 9-26-17
The past week I was able to have a fantastic time with some great fishing on Chickamauga Lake. My partner and I had some very productive days with some good numbers of quality fish, and with fishing on any lake there's always some bad that goes along with the good. We also had a few days where we just plain struggled to get a quality fish to bite. It was still a lot of fun getting those Chickamauga schools of "chunks" on almost every cast when they would show up, WHEN THEY WOULD SHOW UP! We had patterns through the week that consisted of everything except the "KITCHEN SINK"! When the "Chick" is on it can be an absolute blast, but when it's off it can truly humble a fisherman. The grass on Chick is looking great and there are some great mucked up mats for some Snag Proof Frog action. The approaching cooler temps that are approaching should make for some great and more consistent fishing on Chickamauga Lake. Yesterday I got back to business with a couple of gentlemen from Kentucky that wanted to learn a few areas to get their "Frawg on" with their visit to the "Big G". The mats on Guntersville Lake have really gotten in great shape for some consistent Frog action. These guys had a fantastic time experiencing their first time fishing these thick mats with Snag Proof Frogs. The only problem was the "HUGE" explosions they got from some of the bigger fish they just wasn't able to keep them on, and they were a couple of these fish that were definitely "TOADS" as one would say. "TOADS","FRAWGS","HAWGS", etc. They called me this morning and reported that they had the same experience with some very big fish exploding on their frogs but once again the bigger ones were able to elude the opportunity for a photo. They still succeeded with what they came for, which was a great time with some "FRAWG" fishing and they had several chances of experiencing some "Big G HAWGS". I look forward to dividing my fishing guide services on Chickamauga and Guntersville Lakes. These are two fantastic lakes that provide anglers with some great Bass fishing action and many consistent patterns to experience and learn from. Lets get out and enjoy it while it's here. Have fun, Mike Carter

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mjc1761, Guntersville Lake, Bass, 9-26-17 - by FishNews - 10-01-2017, 09:00 AM

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