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Strawberry from Shore 9/29

"The solution to any problem is to go fishing, and the worse the problem, the longer the trip should be."- John Geirach

Congratulations on excellent success from shore!

I like the challenges of shore fishing. It's different. I look forward to enjoying a greater range of shore fishing with my new vehicle with intentions to camp right there at shore, so early morning when it's hard to get up and going (night person), my thought will I'm already there and fishing is usually best early.

One of the shore fishing challenges is depth and particularly in the heat of summer when the fish are deeper. Haws Point is deep from shore. Thanks to fish hntr, I now know some great places where it is 120 feet plus from shore! Getting there for camping there is solved by my new ice fishing vehicle.

Regarding that quote, At work they ask me if I prefer overtime work or not. My answer is always the same: If I work overtime, then that's good for fishing -- I'll buy more fishing supplies. If I don't work overtime, that's good for fishing, too -- I'll have more time to fish!

Messages In This Thread
Strawberry from Shore 9/29 - by love2fishUtah - 10-02-2017, 07:52 PM
Re: [Hookinup] Strawberry from Shore 9/29 - by RonPaulFan - 10-03-2017, 06:29 PM

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