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FishingwithRusty, chick, lm, 093017, Sam the Dog
fished the fish off for the thursday nighters and stunk it up! ran back into a creek to start, caught one on a frog around some grass going in. too much leaf litter and too shallow back in there to be effective, flipped some docks on the way out, short fish. stopped on a grass mat and caught 5 but only 2 were barely keepers. ran to some more grass and got nothing. wind was blowing pretty hard on that grass and i have never done good with a frog on mats in heavy wind. ran to another mat that i had seen as i was running around but couldnt get to it Smile tried to push my way in with push pole and big motor but no go! had to get out of the boat and push it out. back to the mat where i got the bites for one more short. ended the day with 3 little keepers for around 6lbs. 7+ got the last $

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FishingwithRusty, chick, lm, 093017, Sam the Dog - by FishNews - 10-05-2017, 09:00 AM

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