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Pineview this morning.
I fish for anything that bites, if it's good eating all the better. Last year the bite started heavy mid to end of October and lasted just about until ice on. They act the same now as through the ice, the ones on the bottom are usually the biters. I've found them from 60-20' typically in the narrows up there. I've always liked a near dead stick approach, just get it near the bottom and leave it still. Just a twitch and then stop. They usually hit it then. Very soft bites this time of year.

Messages In This Thread
Pineview this morning. - by t_volt237 - 10-13-2017, 08:29 PM
Re: [muirco] Pineview this morning. - by t_volt237 - 10-13-2017, 10:35 PM

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