11-14-2017, 10:00 AM
I just knew the crappie would be turning on today since the water had probably cooled down and minnows were everywhere. At least I thought that!<br /><br />Buzz and I put in around 9 am and fished til about 2. We headed to WT Creek first thinking it would not be muddy as the water under Hwy 58 bridge seemed ok. Wrong, it got really muddy but we fished a little while anyway with hardly any success. Left there and went up the river fishing some docks for crappie. We managed to catch probably 25&#43; but only 4 keepers in the boat. Lures were BGs and tubes, yellow and white. Water temp in 60s. Most fish caught in 15&#43; Fow. I guess the big ones were stuffed with minnows. <br /><br />Did I mention it was COLD and windy!!