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Willard...whatta day! 11-14-17
[#0000FF]Sorry about the lost battery. Some people will steal anything. I once had someone remove the battery from my car while I was out night fishing. It was a long walk to a telephone to get help...but I fed the mosquitos well.

Also sorry about your lost flig. I know a guy who makes them. Maybe if you let the south guys win the catfish thing this year you might get some more fligs.

You really gotta try some of those smaller size fire tiger ones. Been killin' 'em on it. Plus that was what I got the perch on too...and had a couple of other "perchy" bites.

FatBiker and I are semi planning a return bout next week. Lemme know if you wanna join us and I can fix you up with some new goodies. And if you want to focus on perchkind you don't have to row too far.

Messages In This Thread
Willard...whatta day! 11-14-17 - by TubeDude - 11-15-2017, 12:36 AM
Re: [Ahi1953] Willard...whatta day! 11-14-17 - by TubeDude - 11-15-2017, 05:41 PM

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