11-22-2017, 07:21 PM
The state record "Catch and Keep" record for Bonneville whitefish is only 20 3/4", but it weighed 4lb 8oz. This was a very fat fish. The record is based on weight, not on length, but the length gives you an idea of where the record may be as far as length goes. One note of interest is that the UDWR caught and released what would have easily been a state record Bonneville whitefish this October. The fish measured 22 1/4" long and would have weighed in at easily 5lbs. So, it would not surprise me if the state record is broken this year. I know its swimming out there right now and people have likely caught and ate the record during the last several years without realizing it! The "Catch and Release" state record is currently 23 1/4" and I hold that record. That one might be a little tougher to top, since I have never seen a Bonneville whitefish that large since I caught and released it a few years ago now. I would estimate that fish at close to 6+ lbs. So, come on up and try your luck!