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Lx545, Chickamauga, Bass, 11/22/17, Brother in law
Got out today at 1:30. I decided to give the chick one more chance today out of pure convenience and put in at Waconda and fished until dark. We fished some main lake points with flukes,shad rap, and a jig occasionally around structure. Only had two fish today which was wayyy better than yesterdays trip not catching or getting a bite. We found several schools of bait fish but couldnt trick them into biting. The weather was much better today and I was just happy to be out on the water again. Talked with a guy briefly who said they caught 12 on really small baits, not sure what that means, and had been having luck on points. Hope everyone has a happy thanksgiving and maybe I can sneak in one more trip this weekend.. not gonna know how to act fishing 3x in one week if it happens lol. Good luck to all!

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Lx545, Chickamauga, Bass, 11/22/17, Brother in law - by FishNews - 11-25-2017, 10:00 AM

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