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Rockport 12-1-17
So I had a bit of time so I ran up to Rockport to soak some worms. Got on the bank of a little cove around 2pm and tossed out my two rigs, one is set to go far and deep, the other to stay close and float. Not much of anything other than warm blue skies, warmer than in slc. Spent an hour watching birds then moved rigs a little. Bam fish on, I had to slowly work him for quite some time cause I could tell he was much bigger than my gear was set up for so ultra light tackle and line let off on the drag a ton so he wouldn't just bust and run. after about 10 minutes of a little in then a lot out I could tell he was getting a bit tired so I brang this bad boy in. I fished until 6 and no other takers but one good fight was time well spent.

Messages In This Thread
Rockport 12-1-17 - by fordkustom - 12-03-2017, 09:10 PM
Re: [fordkustom] Rockport 12-1-17 - by fordkustom - 12-03-2017, 09:32 PM
Re: [fordkustom] Rockport 12-1-17 - by Jmorfish - 12-04-2017, 05:46 AM

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