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Jmax, Lake Balboa - AR, Bass, 12/16/17, alone
I have just about gotten burned out on waiting for that big boy buck to come by. Have a couple in the freezer and saved my last tag for a wall hanger. It has never made itself available to me. Sad Passed on a couple little guys. Decided Saturday to take a break from the deer stand and try a little cold weather winter fishing. Air temps were around the freezing mark and the water temp was 51 degrees. The air temp did warm up to the upper 40s before I went in. emoThumbsup <br /><br />One thing about it here is it sure is easy to just walk to the dock, throw a switch, drop the boat and start fishing. emoTongue Nothing seemed shallow except a couple small carp I saw. Moved deeper and found some. The bass I found willing to play were in 20 to 25 feet of water off points, hugging the bottom in structure. You would make a cast, wait for it to reach the bottom, move it slowly across the bottom and when you thought you could not go any slower you had to slow it down more. emoDoh It was almost like dead sticking. I was using a 1/16th oz shakey on 12 lb fluorocarbon. When you felt the structure you would just sit there shaking it in the branches. Every now and then you would feel a tap more like a crappy then a bass. Had to set the hook quickly or they would bury you in the structure. The structure ate a couple of my baits. emoMad Lost a couple bass in it. Still had a good time and got to stretch a line. emoDance No big ones, best were in the 3 lb range.<br /><br />One more week of the 2017 deer season here in AR and I will be turning my attention solely to bass fishing emoBigSmile Jmax<br /><br />Here is my best one, (only about three and a quarter) for those who say it ain't a report without a picture. emoToast ...

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Jmax, Lake Balboa - AR, Bass, 12/16/17, alone - by FishNews - 12-19-2017, 10:00 AM

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