02-10-2004, 05:10 PM
If you are looking to get a fish finder for a beginner I would definitely not get a fishing buddy. They are nice because they are portable. I have used my friend's with some success. They are also not the cheapest unit out there. I saw them for between $139 and $200. I don't have a great big budget and bought me an Eagle Cuda 168 for $109 from Sportsmans. You can get even better prices if you have time to shop around. The Cuda 168 is not the only model in this price range but it was cheaper than the buddies. It has a lot more power and more pixels. If I had more money I may jump to a better model but I tried my Eagel Cuda and a fishing buddy at Strawberry at the same time on Saturday and the Cuda kicked the buddies butt. Like I said a buddy is portable and the newer models may be better than the one my friend has but for the money get a Cuda or similar price range model. More power, less money.