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Jordanelle Reservoir Dec 19th
[#0000FF]Thanks for the kindly comments.

The girl was no relation. Just one of several kids we outfitted with tackle and helped to catch their first fish through the ice. Each kid had to submit a brief one page request for the tackle (donated by Sportsmans) saying how much they liked fishing...or how much they wanted to learn about ice fishing. Hint: they all won. We had plenty of adults to help with drilling holes, rigging tackle, baiting and fish catching. It was a great day and Pikeman and his wife did a fish fry on the ice afterward to prepare some of the catch. We also caught a lot of perch that were delicious with Pikeman's Panko Perch recipe.

See the attached pics.

Messages In This Thread
Jordanelle Reservoir Dec 19th - by DMcKee - 12-20-2017, 02:43 AM
Re: [DMcKee] Jordanelle Reservoir Dec 19th - by TubeDude - 12-21-2017, 01:07 PM

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