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Fishin Buddy 2201
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]The Fishing Buddies I have been around weren't that bad. In fact, they did just fine. While they do not offer a lot of cool options like alot of other units, I definitely would not consider myself undergunned in the least in most situations. I'd take one any day over a lot of lower end units by other manufacturers.[/size][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]One thing I like about the fishing buddy is that it does not get interference from the high power Lowrances and other sonar units. You can sit right next to a guy with a Lowrance pumping out 4000 watts and won't get one bit of interference showing on the screen. You can't say that with the lower end units or Garmin and Lowrance. Ask Petty how he likes his Garmin 160 when he's close to my X98. Can we say vertical interference lines all over the screen?[/size][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]They are fine for a beginner. They're easy to operate. The portability rocks. I love having a Fishing Buddy around for checking depths quickly when trying to locate position while drilling holes on the ice but, of course, running on "C" cell batteries sucks. You better always have extras around.[/size][/font]

Messages In This Thread
Fishin Buddy 2201 - by catchandrelease - 02-10-2004, 03:34 PM
Re: [fishluvr] Fishin Buddy 2201 - by DKSRenegade - 02-10-2004, 05:28 PM
Re: [DanielJRioux] Fishin Buddy 2201 - by BearLakeMack - 02-10-2004, 06:34 PM
Re: [BearLakeMack] Fishin Buddy 2201 - by cat_man - 02-10-2004, 06:43 PM
Re: [doggonefishin] Fishin Buddy 2201 - by Fishry - 02-12-2004, 03:27 AM
Re: [Fishry] Fishin Buddy 2201 - by doggonefishin - 02-12-2004, 03:43 AM
Re: [Bigcat] Fishin Buddy 2201 - by DanielJRioux - 02-11-2004, 03:04 AM
Re: [catchandrelease] Fishin Buddy 2201 - by MRJ - 02-11-2004, 01:54 AM

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