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Mantua is weird this year.
I sure hope that farmer gets caught!!! A few years ago there was some type of petroleum spill in the inlet in the summer, they had one of the oil absorbing socks draped across the inlet flow for a month. That inlet is fairly contaminated. I heard sloshing one time years ago fishing it and it turned out the farmer had released his hogs to slosh around in it and cool down. Big big white tapeworms started showing up in bass and bluegill and I'm willing to bet it's from the hog feces that went into the lake. I wonder what other e coli and other bacteria have been introduced via that inlet. LOL

Messages In This Thread
Mantua is weird this year. - by Springbuck - 12-23-2017, 06:05 AM
Re: [lavaman] Mantua is weird this year. - by Fin-S-Fish - 12-31-2017, 08:32 AM

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