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Strawberry pictures from Saturday
I always take a piece of plastic, big enough to fit me laying on it, and put it on the ice. I then lay on the plastic to keep from getting wet from the snow and ice melting. I take a coat and put it over my head which helps to block out any glare on the water. I even cut a notch in one end of the plastic that goes on either side of the hole. It is so cool to lay down and look down an ice hole and see a fish swim by. It is even better to watch a fish actually play with and take your bait. I have seen a dozen or more fish come by, take my jig and spit it out without even so much as wiggling my line. Even with a fish finder you can't tell if they are sucking in and spitting out your jigs. This works best on sunny days and in shallow water, usually 15 feet deep or less. It is also cool to see how each different jig moves when you jig your line. The last three fish we caught on Saturday were from watching down a hole. I don't think we would have caught these fish because they barely even touched the jigs and bait when we had to pull on the line. The hardest part is setting the hook and then getting up and grabbing your pole or you have to pull the fish in on the line by hand and don't get much drag to help.

Messages In This Thread
Strawberry pictures from Saturday - by fishluvr - 02-10-2004, 06:01 PM
Re: [kentofnsl] Strawberry pictures from Saturday - by fishluvr - 02-10-2004, 09:08 PM

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