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Strato-G, Chick, Bass Attempt, 1-9 & 10-18, Caden
emoBang Put in at Grasshopper Tuesday....Back end left of ramp solid ice///Out & about on lake, water is 37-38 degree. emoPoke Ice fishing in Eldredge, Sail Creek & other areas...O bites<br />Harrison Bay on Wednesday, water temp 46..48...gotta remember, we are below power plant so discharge water keeps temps warmer below... emoThumbsup Still found ice around banks, threw lots o diff lures, caught 1 bass on shakey dragging very slow. emoDoh , that was it for several hours. Sun played peek a boo a bit. Was a good day from cabin fever, several other folks out, did see couple folks reeling emoFish in , just 1 here & there.....Air temp on way home showed 67 on vehicle air temp...Luck to those going out, wear the PFD, stay safe............ emoGeezer emoUSA

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Strato-G, Chick, Bass Attempt, 1-9 & 10-18, Caden - by FishNews - 01-19-2018, 10:00 AM

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