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Trespassing Law up for votes- bad news
Well, the bill passed the legislature and on it's way to be signed by Otter. I guess that tells all of us once again where recreationists, sportsmen and women and even law enforcement stand against the big pocket out of stater land owners and yes, the IDAHO FARM BUREAU. If you read the article in the Post Register and most any where, you will find how the Farm Bureau supported and pushed this bill. Also, if you google up how much money Idaho Legislators who voted for this bill get from that group it will amaze you. And yes, the Farm Bureau has their fingers in about anything against recreationists, sportsmen and women and anything related.

I don't need to contact anyone on this one MackayGuy, I've been through all of that a number of years ago fighting the Farm Bureau and many of the same legislators and the same Governor over the Outfitting and Guiding issue of waterfowl in the state. Money bought that one too in favor of large property owners dumping money into the pockets of legislators up for reelection. A Sad day in Idaho, especially considering just a year or so ago, hunting and fishing rights were added to the Idaho constitution, and now, there is an attack on that right. Just my 2 cents, but, it is slowly being taken away no matter what it says.

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Re: [MackayGuy] Trespassing Law up for votes- bad news - by duksnfish - 03-23-2018, 12:14 PM

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