04-05-2018, 08:50 PM
That is such a heated discussion and I believe that the walleyes that spawn in the channel really do nothing to contribute to the overall addition of grown up walleyes in Willard Bay. No argument there Dubob. I do have a problem with people taking out fish that they have snagged and taking more then the limit. I think that is why people get heated. I go down to inlet often i don't live far and have never really witnessed snagging or really anyone taking over the limit. I have of course heard about it and such. I haven't been down there much in the late evening. maybe that is when it is happening. Its difficult for the DWR to be down in the evening with all of their other duties. Why not close the inlet say at 8pm until 6 am or something like that. It would allow people to fish the inlet but maybe get us out of this heated topic and the DWR would be able to govern it better. I wish there was a great solution to appease everyone but that is impossible