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DWR Response...Dead Walleyes at Willard

I totally agree with most of what you said. Sorry I misspoke about the fishers closing I meant individual waters during the spawn.

I think the main issue of some wanting to close the inlet is the fact that a few, not all or even the majority of, fishermen are snagging and possibly over harvesting. I doubt many on this forum or anyone who is a responsible sportsman would advocate for the snagging of spawning walleyes. However, it is a legal practice for salmon in many places. But the salmon are going to die anyway so its a wash. Even if the fish taken out of the inlet are minimal in the overall scheme of things I think it rubs a lot of people the wrong way when people are taking advantage of the situation. This is just another case of a few bad apples ruining it for the majority of folks who try to be good sportsmen or women--although I doubt there are very many women out there trying to snag eyes.

That bering said I am not in favor of closing the inlet for the good reasons already stated. What I am in favor of is when the ethical fisherpeople who are out there--I have never fished the inlet during the sapwn or any other time-- see someone committing illegal acts they should tell those scofflaws to knock it off or the DWR will be called. Some self policing by the people that the illegal activities affect might go a long way towards curtailing it. Closing it at night might be an alternative that would make it easier to police both for the ethical fishers and the DWR. People should stand up for what affects them and illegal taking of wildlife affects us all. It just too bad a few people don't see it that way.

I also think that if the DWR continues its excellent efforts to trap the fish in the inlet and not waste the eggs and fish heading to the inlet that that effort could go a long way towards alleviating the issue. Maybe then this won't be a yearly topic of discussion.


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Re: [gmwahl] DWR Response...Dead Walleyes at Willard - by fishday - 04-07-2018, 06:48 PM

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