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DWR Response...Dead Walleyes at Willard
I agree Dave.

I haven't spent loads of time there during the spawn, but when I have been there I have seen people watching each other and even some (The irritating blow hards) yelling out loud at every fisherman that hooked one to make sure it's not snagged. I myself have confronted two guys for a fish that they kept that was snagged by the head, but clearly not in the mouth.

I hate to see a few bad apples ruin it for all and I liken it to people wanting gun control just because a few idiots shoot a school up. By and large I think most people are ethical and will do the right thing. It's up to the rest of us to keep an eye out and rat out the violators and all will be well. And for Pete's sake, when we do catch somebody doing it illegally let's not be loud and make it uncomfortable for everybody else, rather lets confront others peaceably and within the law. Nobody needs to be hurt over a fish. Okay, I'm off my soap box now!

I wish more people thought the way you do dave!


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Re: [fishday] DWR Response...Dead Walleyes at Willard - by gmwahl - 04-07-2018, 07:04 PM

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