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Strato-G, Lewis Smith...Jasper, Ala, Bass, 4-7-18, Levi
This has been a roundabout year for me & the emoFish. Spent a few days at Smith Lake prefishing, emoBadLanguage , trying anyway. My lower unit decided to bite the dust on 3-30-18. emoBadLanguage Down until Wednesday 4-2-18.<br /><br />Back up, I am trying to find the bite, Grand son Adam was there to fish Wednesday, late out due to putting lower unit on...went up a creek, throwing cranks, jigs, shakeys, under spins , etc. We were catching several and duplicated on Thurs Am....Friday I looked at diff areas to not hurt the ones previously found.<br /><br />Sat am starts wet, windy emoDoh , same as was in this area. Levi & I start in pocket where I had caught 17 to 19 incher spots earlier in week to be blanked 1 hour emoQuestion . We run few miles north to next area, Levi says, got him. Nice spot in clear water, dip net works, check length, 14 3/4 "...gotta turn loose due to slot limit. emoHoppingmad. We had 16 spots, all fell in the 13" to 15" slot limit and all were released. emoBang at 3pm due time, we tuck our tails and do the walk o shame. <br /><br />It was Levi's 1 BFL as he just turned 16, we caught , just not one we could keep. Was not an event I even considered zeroing, emoSorry , however it happened...It was real & good, just not real good...Levi was happy just to have caught & is looking forward to more BFL events as he is for his High School events in Rogersville, Ala... emoGeezer emoUSA is Neely Henry

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Strato-G, Lewis Smith...Jasper, Ala, Bass, 4-7-18, Levi - by FishNews - 04-12-2018, 09:00 AM

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