04-22-2018, 09:00 AM
Greetings Gang! It was good to be back on the Chick for the past five days. emoThumbsup We had planned this trip last year, the goal was to catch the bass in the April spawn with some coming off the beds and others moving up. Yea, those nice warm days of April with the bass just about jumping into the boat. Boy, were we ever wrong! emoBang Should have known I was in trouble when it kept spitting snow on me off and on all the way there. emoEek Freaking snow in April in TN!!!!<br /><br />Got there around 1:00 on Monday, had to get a license and checked in at Island Cove Hotel. Got the boat a stall and unloaded, on the water by 2:00. Headed for transition points and flats. Just knew we would wack&#39;um. Two hours later, not a fish in the boat. emoDoh Moved up a little shallower and started working rock flats in about three to four feet. That worked, boated only five bass but had four nice keepers including a couple nice three lbers. emoThumbsup Those four would have been about 11 lbs. It was a start and something to build on. Could only get them to hit a shakey and missed as many as we hooked.<br /><br />Got on the water Tuesday at about 7 a.m. Headed for the rock flats as we had found Monday and started getting hits. We missed a lot of fish. Had to work it really slow and shake it a lot without moving it far. It was a slow go but it worked. Did this pattern the whole day. Hit several places but always looking for rock flats in 6 to 4 feet. Water temp was 59 pretty much the whole day. Had boated a couple fours and was passing a point just a little deeper when one loaded me up right at the drop. Hit in about 10 feet and had her pulling drag. She came up a couple times and I just knew she was 8 lbs. emoBig
Got her in the net and realized I had forgot what a good fish fought like. She was a good one but only went six lbs on the scales. emoRedface None the less it was great to put a Chick 6 in the boat. emoDance Ended the day with 19 bass in the boat and missed or losing another 57. emoLaugh Naw, I really don&#39;t know how many we missed or lost but we had a bunch. They were tapping the worm but just not eating it. The other weird thing to me was the lack of short fish. Out of 19 bass we had two shorts. It is like the little bass have not moved up. Our best five would have been 19 lbs and some change. We will take it. emoThumbsup Jmax<br /><br />Here are a couple pictures from the second day, did not take any on Monday....