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Lincoln 5/29
Wife and I went up to Bear River last Sunday, late morning. I picked up a whole Walmart bag of empty worm tubs, chicken liver meat trays, several balls of discarded mono, multiple crushed cans of some type of liquid courage and landed 2 of the biggest Carp I have ever caught. Had lots of nibbles, and wife caught one junior spotted channel cat, and a baby carplet.

Been teaching my kids for years, "pack it in, pack it out" and because others are not as considerate, pack out some trash you didn't take in. Good to know there are others around still doing the same. Good on ya .

As we were almost ready to leave, she looked over the bridge and saw a whole school of HUGE Carp laying up on spawning beds in the fast moving water. Took several photos, but none showed much thru the murky, moving water. As we were watching them, one of the Federal Wildlife Rangers drove up. He and I have met before, and he knows Ahi, so we just chatted a few minutes. He was curious as to what my wife was bent over the bridge wall looking at. When he saw the big group of Carp, he was rather stunned. Said he had never seen any that big before.

Just returned from a trip to Colorado Springs late yesterday. Boy they had some terrible weather. The worst hail I've ever seen on Wednesday afternoon. Tried to take a drive thru Peterson AFB after my conference ended, ended up taking cover under a tree until the hail let up.

Hope the weather improves for this weekend. May convince the wife to take a trip to Lincoln Beach. If ya happen to be there and you see my boat, give a holler.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder

Messages In This Thread
Lincoln 5/29 - by catchinon - 05-30-2018, 09:23 PM
Re: [catchinon] Lincoln 5/29 - by Aquaticbotulism - 05-30-2018, 10:26 PM
Re: [catchinon] Lincoln 5/29 - by Piscophilic - 05-30-2018, 11:06 PM
Re: [catchinon] Lincoln 5/29 - by Tin-Can - 06-01-2018, 08:46 PM
Re: [Tin-Can] Lincoln 5/29 - by CVfisher - 06-04-2018, 06:48 PM
Re: [CVfisher] Lincoln 5/29 - by ice_sled - 06-04-2018, 08:41 PM
Re: [ice_sled] Lincoln 5/29 - by Tin-Can - 06-04-2018, 08:50 PM
Re: [Tin-Can] Lincoln 5/29 - by SkunkedAgain - 06-04-2018, 08:59 PM
Re: [catchinon] Lincoln 5/29 - by SkunkedAgain - 06-04-2018, 02:32 PM

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